01 | At Long Last

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A/n- "Hellooo just wanted to say if the part is underlined that means it's in English!"

It's been 6 months since I've seen TaeHyung mostly because I'm living in the United States now. I'm 19 now because my birthday passed not to long ago...I wonder what he's doing now..

"Hey Y/n class is about to start!" Eun Mi walked in my dorm

"I'm coming! Bye Emma see you later!" Emma, my dorm mate, she's pretty cool I've grown to like her but at first she was so rude! It's whatever now and she's extremely pretty~

Just as I started to walk out the room my stomach started to hurt. I put my hand on my stomach then I felt an unbearable pain.

No One's POV

"Hey Y/n are you comin or not" Eun Mi came back in the room and saw Y/n "Y/n! What's wrong!"

Emma look up and saw Y/n hurting

"Y/n! Are you ok?!" They all looked down..

"I think my water just broke.." Y/n said

"Oh my god! Eun Mi we have to take her to the hospital! Now!" Eun Mi nodded, even though she couldn't understand it

They rushed Y/n to the hospital, Eun Mi called Jasmine to tell her Y/n's giving birth. Eun Mi stayed outside as she heard Y/n screaming on the other side of the door. A few hours later Jasmine and NamJoon just rushed in the hospital and saw Eun Mi.

"Eun Mi! How is she doing?!"

"I don't know! She's been screaming for a couple of hours now.." Just then the door opened again and in walked in..

"TaeHyung?!" Jasmine said

"Move!" He walked in the room Y/n was screaming and he saw her. Doctors saw him as well

"Sir you can't be here!" Doctor 1 said as he tried to push him out

"I'm the father! Now get away from me!" The doctor stopped pushing TaeHyung out and went back to
Y/n. TaeHyung grabbed Y/n's hand..

"Come on Y/n, push!"


Hours later the baby came..

A nurse grabbed the baby and wrapped it in a blanket then handed it to TaeHyung.

"You're beautiful baby girl" TaeHyung took her and saw how beautiful she was.

He turned to Y/n. Y/n looked at her baby and TaeHyung got closer to her..

"Her name is Sang Mi" Y/n said before she passed out

"Wait what happened to her?!"

"Nothing, shes fine, she's just exhausted from giving birth. All she needs now is some rest" The Nurse tried to take the baby from TaeHyung

"Don't you dare touch her." The nurse pulled away

"But sir I have to take her to the nursery.." TaeHyung looked at Sang Mi one last time before giving her to the nurse..

"Take care of her"

TaeHyung walked out the room and saw the others, BTS, Jasmine and Eun Mi.

"So how is she?!"

"She's fine..she just needs to rest"

"So what's the baby's name? And girl or boy?" A smiled formed on TaeHyung's face

"It's a girl..and her name is Sang Mi, Kim Sang Mi" everyone got so excited "A nurse took her to the nursery so you guys go there I'll met you there"

"Okay see you there..come on guys" NamJoon said

Everyone walked to the nursery and TaeHyung walked in a room they put Y/n so she could rest "you did great Y/n..and I'm sorry for what I've done to you...I hope one day you can forgive me..but for now rest" TaeHyung kissed Y/n's forehead and walked out the room to the nursery

"Hey Tae..she's beautiful!" Eun Mi said Tae smiled

"I know, I made her, why wouldn't she be?.."

"First ew and..Wait how did you guys get here?" Eun Mi asked


Flashback ~ Hours Ago

"Tell me where she's studying!"


"NAMJOON!" NamJoon didn't say anything "Well I guess I'll just take a visit to..Jasmine"

"Fine!..Just don't hurt Jasmine.." TaeHyung smirked "Shes studying in Los Angeles"

"Aish that kid" TaeHyung walked away towards his office "Thanks for getting me out of jail though"

TaeHyung walked in his office and JungKook walked in as well

"You do know the only reason she wanted to study in the United States was to get away from you right?" TaeHyung took out his phone

"And so what?...she took my child" TaeHyung put his phone down and looked at JungKook "Ok tell me this, if you got a girl pregnant and she took your child away from you even though you-.."

"Even though you what?..Love it?..Damn you got soft over this baby"

"Shut up JungKook!"

"Haha anyways..how would I feel?...well I would be like you to be honest"

"Thank you!...its just hard to know my baby is out there...without a father to love her..for crying out loud I don't even know her name"

"Well now that you say that..you're so right. Ok I approve of what you're doing..just I'm coming with you cause I wanna she my niece. You're not my real brother but you're like one..so"

"Yeah yeah I know, I'm also taking the guys with me as well. I could care less if they have something important to do. My baby is more important and plus we got some business to deal with there. Now let's go catch a flight shall we?"

End of flashback

"..so yeah that what happened" Tae said

"Wow..you've gotten soft Tae" Eun Mi said

"You're not my friend so don't call me that"

"Whether you like it or not I could care less I'm not gonna stop calling you that it's just easier..wait what's the business you have to deal with here?" She said and Tae turned his head to her

"Do you really think I would tell you?" Tae said, she shakes her head no "then don't ask."

"But I want to know"

"Does it look like I care?"


"Then shut up."

"Ugh you're annoying"

To Be Continued...

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