12. Unfortunate Timing.

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2 years ago

"Come on Soo Jin! It'll be fun I promise!" You said to your sister, Soo Jin as you got ready to leave for the club with your friends.

"I don't know Y/n, I have to study for school and—" You cut her off

"Soo Jin," You looked over at her as she sat on your bed with her legs crossed over each other "You're in collage and you're still focused on school and your grades? Come on! Live for once! Look at me, I have great grades and I'm still trying to live my best life!"

"That's because you're actually smart.." She said under her breath, making sure you didn't hear

"Please! I wanna hang out with you!" She shook her head

"Wait how the hell do you even get in the club? You're 18" You passed "You have to be 21 to get in—" You cut her off again

"Don't worry about it! So you coming or not?"

"I'm 20, Y/n, I can't get in either." You walked over to her trying to fix her hair

"Eun Mi has ways in, so don't worry about it"

"It Jasmine coming?"

"Nah, She has a photo shoot tomorrow morning at the beach"


You fixed her hair and got up to get cloths for her to wear. You searched for something that would look cute on her until you did. A cute short dress that exposed a bit of cleavage, perfect for her!

"Here! Put this on!" You put the dress in front of her face and pulled her into the bathroom

"W-Wa—!!" You closed the door to the bathroom before you could hear the word that came out her mouth. "—it.." She let out a sigh and looked at the outfit you gave her.. "What's the worst the could happen..?"

At the Club

"Hey Eun Mi, you said you were gonna bring some friends, where are they?" You said looking over at her with water in hand. You like the club but you can't handle your alcohol.

"Oh, he said he would be here..I think he's just running late." Eun Mi said "Hey! Let's dance!"

She said taking your hand right after, your grip around your cup loosened. Soo Jin sat back and watched the two girls dance, she laughed as they looking funny dancing like crazy. But what they didn't know..was that TaeHyung was calling Eun Mi and he phone was at the bar. TaeHyung was calling to get them out of there but..it was to late. People followed TaeHyung last time and saw his interest in Y/n.

TaeHyung hit the car wheel as she didn't answer for the fifth time. He didn't care for Eun Mi, he only cared for Y/n since he wanted her. He pressed the gas on the car and drove fast. We was to late. Kai was behind it as well. Since TaeHyung got his future wife killed, he thought, he might as well Kill all the girls he's interested in.

Kai was walking on the dance floor and he spotted her. She was dancing like crazy..and he kinda thought it was cute. He shook his head to get ruin of that thought and took out his gun, pointing it right at her.

He shot.

But missed since she was pushed back by non other then TaeHyung. He didn't show his face though. But by him doing that Kai shot the girl behind them. Soo Jin. Good thing the gun shot was only in her right arm but she was on the floor bleeding. Everyone there started to freak out. They didn't even stop to help her, they all ran away trying to get out the club. Eun Mi though, she helped her up in a hurry and took her out the club to get her to the hospital.

JungKook and Jimin were right behind TaeHyung. As TaeHyung was still laying on the floor holding Y/n close, the guys shot their guns at Kai but he was quickly and hide behind a wall. Kai wasn't alone though. He'd be stupid if he was, no he was with Got7. Jackson and Mark shot back at JungKook and Jimin. They all hide behind walls closets to them. TaeHyung picked Y/n up and keep him hand low from her view. Gun shots being shot in the background. Y/n looked at his hair with wide eyes since his head was down.

"W-who are you.."

"No time for that. You need to get out of here or else they'll kill you."

"Me..? Why me?"

"It's a club shotting. They'll kill who they see" TaeHyung lied. They were targeting her but he made it seem like it was all people at the club. She quickly got up. "Go." She looked back at him as he faced Kai, taking out his gun and shotting his gun at them.

'Why help me..?' She gulped and ran out the club.

Present Day

'She would've died if I was even one second late.'

To Be Continued...

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