9. P-L-A-N

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"We're here to help you Kill Y/n"

Hoseok looked at the men behind him like he was ready to kill them within a second but he didn't. Instead he turned to his drink and shoved it down his throat. Before he looked at them

"Look. I'm not in the mood" Hope said

Hoseok got up and started to walk to the exit until one of the men grabbed his wrist making Hoseok turn around to look at the guy holding his wrist.

"Liz." Another said

Hoseok took his eyes off the guy holding his hand and looked at the guy who mentioned Liz.

Hoseok took his eyes off the guy holding his hand and looked at the guy who mentioned Liz

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He slowly calmed himself down trying not to get Liz killed. The guy smirked at the rage in Hoseok's eyes.

"Im Lucas." Said the guy smirking "This is Ten." He said pointing to the hold holding his wrist "And that's Jaemin" He said looking at the guy next to him "You might know us which we own Los Angeles. You and your little group made a mistake coming here. But since you're working for Kai now I'll give you an exception."

"I thought Big Bang ran this place." Hoseok said

"Well they do. But the other half." Lucas said "Guys why don't you take our little friend here to the car. Kai wants to have a little talk." Jaemin nodded pushing Hoseok to the exit

JungKook's POV

I was just talking to a girl with a smirk on my face. Until I saw Hoseok there too. My blood started to boil at the sight of him..but he was drinking to much. Sure I'm mad at him, no I'm fucking pissed but hes drinking way to much and he doesn't seem like he's gonna stop any time soon. So I pushed the girl out the way and started walking to him but then I stopped.

"We're here to help you Kill Y/n" Said a guy

I hid behind the people and listened to their conversation as I stared right at Hoseok looking at his reaction to all this.

"Liz." Said a guy

Hoseok stopped and looked that the guy with pain and angrier in his eyes. I've never seen Hoseok like this..it's kinda scary.

Ok so there names are Lucas, Ten, and Jaemin, got it. I rolled my eyes as I heard the next thing he said "You might now us which we own Los Angeles. You and your little group make a mistake coming here. But since you're working for Kai now I'll give you an exception." Oh please like you're gonna do shit.

The guy kept talking until I saw his friends start to push Hoseok roughly out. In Hoseok's eyes I saw pain and sadness..I feel his pain..

Cause I've been though the same thing

The Next Day

"Tae!" I blushed into the meeting room while he was having a meeting

"JungKook What are you-" I grabbed his wrist and took him to his office. He yanked his hand out of mine "Kook what are hell?!"

"It's about Hoseok. He's-"

"I don't give a shit about him.-"

"No! Listen to me! He's being blackmailed!" TaeHyung looked serious into my eyes waiting for me to continue "Kai has Liz-"

"Liz?..His girlfriend?"

"Yeah. Anyways, Kai is threatening to kill her if he doesn't kill Y/n-"

"So he's gonna kill Y/n now. JungKook just get out. I don't wanna hear it."

"NO! Listen! We have to help him-"

Just then the door opened to have Yoongi and NamJoon walk in..

"JungKook's right Tae. We need to help Hoseok cause if we don't Kai is gonna kill him along with Liz. He's just using Hope, he's not gonna let Liz go he's gonna kill her and Hope if we don't." NamJoon said

"NamJoon stay out of this-"

"I can't do that Tae. Have you noticed why he's not been himself lately? The happy positive guy we all love, that's because he's aching, he's hurt Tae." NamJoon said

"Imagine that he had Y/n and he was threatening to kill her if you didn't kill..uhh..let's say Liz. Obviously you would pick to save Y/n and kill Liz." Yoongi said

TaeHyung's eyes softened and I could tell he was imagining it since his eyes showed pain..


"What's the plan?"

To Be Continued...

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