19. A Threat

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"Hey! Emma! Ima head over to Taes place and sleep over, are you gonna be alright without me?"

"K but Bitch I'm always fine without you," Emma said as I grabbed my bag off my bed and started to walk to the living room. "Oh! And once you get back tomorrow morning don't be surprised when you see a random guy walking around shirtless!" She yelled from her room, I smiled as I was already expecting a guy walking around. Emma is a real player something's.

"Yeah I know! Anyways just tell him to not go in my room!"


"Okay, I'll be heading over to Taes place, see ya" I said opening the door to the outside and walking out the front door.

I turned back to the door and locked it from the outside since lately the dorms are being robbed and I know Emma will take a nap from before going to the party, she's my friend and I gotta look out for her. I started to walk down the hall to the stairs.


At this point I'm stupid to think a taxi would take me all the way to Tae's place. I was walking into the city which was the only way to his place. To bad his place is kinda far from the campus. As I looked down at my phone a car pulled up to my side, I stopped and looked at the car. Within a few blinks man started to exit the car, looking straight at me. I took a few steps backwards, into the ally. They all blocked me off from running away and the ally was a dead end. What great timing of them.

"Y/n." One said with a cut on his left eyebrow. How the hell do they know my name. He put his hand on his chest where his heart is. "Oh! Sorry! Let me introduce myself, I'm Taeyong." He tilted his head to the side and smirked

"Who are you." I said in a cold disinterested voice

"I just told you, doll." I grabbed onto my bag tightly

"No, who are you."

"We're NCT, babe, someone your 'boyfriend' isn't on good terms with." I gulped and let out a sharp breath

"What do you want"

"I want," He took a few steps towards me. The others didn't take another step from where they stood. "For you," He was to close to me, he put his finger under my chin "To leave TaeHyung, forever." My eyes widened as TaeHyung's dad asked the same of me.

"You work with TaeHyung's dad.." He smirked as he quickly grabbed my chin and hold it tightly in his hand.

"Y/n. You're smart right? So ask me this, why do you think I teamed up with my enemy's very own dad? Huh?" My heart raced as I was scream as to why he was even talking to me and telling me information about him and Taes dad when I could easily tell Tae.

But first of all. Why would he work with his enemy's father? I know Tae hates his father for all the shit he did to him but still. Taes dad knows they're enemy's right? How could he not, or..does Tae's dad..want Tae dead too..? My gaze went straight to Taeyong.

"You want Tae to suffer." He smirked, guess I'm right. He let go of my chin and looked a few steps back.

"See I told you, you were smart" He turned around and just stood there in place "You should work with us Y/n, we'd give you all the money and power you want! You know," He turned back around and took slow steps towards me "We rule LA." I looked down away from him.

"You're just an asshole looking for more power. You're nothing compared to TaeHyung."

Taeyong got mad at the comment I just said. He quickly grabbed me by the neck and pulled me closer to him. His grip on my neck was tight from the frustration. He doesn't like being called names. He hates them.

"Don't! Play with me!" His grip around her neck tightened. I put my hands on his to try and get his hand off me, since the lack of oxygen is really starting to get to me. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I tried my hardest to get his hands off me.

"Taeyong. That's enough." Someone said from behind him making his grip loosen. He let go and I dropped to the floor. I choked as I tried to get air in my lungs. I was on my knees with one hand on my heart. "Watch it will yah. Mr.Kim said not to hurt to girl." Taeyong walked back over to the guys as the guy who told him to stop choking me rubbed his back to calm his down. Everyone stopped and looked back down at me.

"W-...why?" I start still trying to catch my breath

"What?" Said another guy

"Why..?" I looked up at them "Why work with him?"

"Why not?" Said the guy who stopped Taeyong from choking me "I mean why wouldn't we work with one of the biggest people in Seoul and now LA." His eyes made contact with mine "Mr.Kim thinks you're bad for TaeHyung so, he'll do anything in his power to. Get. Rid. Of. You." My heart started race from pain. "You were nothing but a peasant. You are nothing but a peasant. That was until you got pregnant. Y/n he's just confused, with you and your baby around he's confused about the whole situation. He doesn't really love you." He said with a smirk planted on him face "Just leave him Y/n. Just leave him and things would get so much easier. For you." I slowly got up from my place.

"I will never leave his side again." I shot daggers from my eyes at him "I will never leave my baby's side. So just stop." The guy tilted his head with interest. "I'm not a pathetic girl anymore." I said with anger in my voice, which they all caught. "I'm not weak anymore." My arm dropped to my side "Give Mr.Kim a message for me." The guy smirked "Tell him, to stop being a little pussy and come at me. Cause I'm not scared." The guy huffed and backed up, licking his lips.

"Sure thing, Princess." He turned and got into his car.

After him they all turned and got into their cars. I didn't realize it till now that I was holding my breath. I let out that breath and my heart suddenly started to race from fear.

"What.. the.. fuck..."

"Did I just do."

To Be Continued...

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