25. A New Beginning.

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"Holy shit, Y/n?!" JungKook ran over to her side and picked up her head. She looked exhausted and out of breath.

"What happened to her?!" Jin said walking out of TaeHyung's house.

"She started to bleed real bad on the way here, she's lost way to much blood!! Jin please help her!"

"Okay okay! Just bring her in the house and sit her down on the couch, I'll be right there." They all walked into the house and placed her on the couch, Jin started to walk upstairs to grab whatever he needed. "Someone press down on her wound to slow down the bleeding!!" With that Jin disappears up stairs.

Her breathing started to increase as sweat fell down her face. Everyone stared at Y/n as her grip on TaeHyung's shirt tightened. Jasmine walked into the room, holding Sang mi in her arms as she just finished feeding her. TaeHyung looked up at Jasmine as Jasmine looked down at Y/n in shock.


"Jasmine up stairs and keep Sang mi away from this." TaeHyung said piling his attention back to the woman bleeding out on the couch.

"Jin's taking too long!! Why can't we just call an ambulance?!" JungKook as he panicked.

"No! If we call the calls you know what they'll do with us. We deal with our own shit."

"Tae.." Y/n said as she tried to calm her breathing. "I.. love you." She said before her eyes closed.

****6 Years later.****

I wake up to the slight light that shines though the curtains, yawning as I sit up on the bed. A pair of hands grabbing onto my waist and pulling me back a bit. I giggled knowing exactly who is was. He sat up in the bed as well and rest his head on my shoulder as his hands wrapped themselves completely around my waist.

"Come on Baby, it's too early, let's go back to bed~" He said in his husky morning voice, which was kinda a turn on. But I'll keep myself controlled. I placed my hands on his arms and rested my head on his.

"But you and I have work if you've forgotten~" He groaned as he fell back in the bed and covered his head with the blanket. "Oh come on you big baby!"

I sighed as he got even move comfortable on the bed. I was just about to take the blanket off him but a small little girl beat me to it. She jumped on the bed and landed on his back. I giggled as he let out a groan. She started to jump up and down on his back.

"Daddy wake up!" She said

"Ugh, Sang mi.."

"Come on!! Get up! We're gonna be late for my first day of school!!" She looked over at me "Mommy tell him!!" I tilted my head

"But we liked you here, and plus, if you go to school .. I can't do this!" I grabbed the little girl and started to tickle her, her loud cute giggles made me smile and laugh with her. With all the loud TaeHyung finally sat up on the bed.

"You two will be the death of me." He yawned. I stopped tickling the little girl in my arms as we both looked at the handsome man right next to us.

"Well Tae we have work and Sang mi has to go to school, plus we have to start unpacking since we just got back to Korea." He nodded with his eyes still closed. Sang mi crawled into Tae's arms and looked up at him

"You're going to take me to school right?" She gave him the puppy eyes which made him smile.

"Of course we are, sweetly, now come on, go change and mommy and I will make you breakfast!" Her small sad smile turned into a happy bright one as she jumped off the bed and ran out the room to hers. I yawned one last time before getting out the bed.

"I'm gonna take a shower first" I grabbed my towel and looked at him look at me. "Aren't you coming?" I smirked taking off my shirt right in front of him.

"God, I love you." He said running after me.


Y/n and TaeHyung we're taking Sang mi to school as she sat in the back quietly, and her parents talked about their new business which opened yesterday because they just moved here. Sang mi felt lonely since her parents are always working so she spoke up about a thought she had long ago.

"Mom, Dad," Sang mi said as she crossed her hands over each other and looked serious at her parents.

"Hm? Yes sweetheart?" Y/n said, looking through some papers of their new building. Grabbing her coffee and taking a sip.

"I've decided." She said "I want a baby sister."

Y/n chokes on her coffee and spills it all over her shirt and pants. TaeHyung slightly let go of the gas for just a second before Y/n and TaeHyung looked at each other, both their eyes wide open. Y/n let Tae know she'll take care of this, looking back at their beautiful daughter happily sitting in the back seat.

"Sang mi.. sweetie.. Are you sure? I mean your father and I are more then happy only with you and plus if you ever get lonely I could call Aunt Jasmine and ask her if you could play with the twins.." Sang mi's eyes softened

"But mommy.. you're both always so busy.. and I get sad when you don't play with me. I want a baby sister!!" Y/n backed up in her seat and turned around, looking straight ahead. She smiled thinking about it.

"I did enjoy you as a baby.." Y/n smirked turning to the man in the car "Okay Sang mi." She sent Tae a wink "We'll get you a baby sister." TaeHyung's eyes widened as he gulped "I'll get you a baby sister, and we'll name her Taeguk."

The End.

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