24. How Things End

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My eyes grew wide as Eun mi mentioned my sister. Tears started to fill my eyes, my heart started to race as I tried to stop myself from letting those tears over fill but then again.. I'm only human. The tears fell down my eyes at the realization hit me.. I blamed TaeHyung for my family's death.. when in reality.. "my best friend" killed them.

"Y-you what.." I said but it came out more like a whisper

"You heard me. I killed your sister. You know TaeHyung wasn't the one who killed your family, Kai was. And I helped him. I helped everyone who tired to destroy TaeHyung just so I could get back at you. Ugh you have no idea how much I hate you. Of course when you were my friend I trusted you with all my life and I even told you about the guy I was interested in. A hot mafia leader~ and you just had to take that away from me. I've hated you ever since I found out TaeHyung didn't want anything to do with me. But he wanted you, all of you FOR NO GODDAMN REASON!! I had everything you didn't!!! I was hotter! My body is better then yours and I've got loads of money! Yet he still wanted you!!" She took a deep breath and continued "Eh-Sure he sleep with other girls and I didn't care. Because I was his main. I knew I was always gonna be his main. ..but no. I wasn't. I was a side piece like all those other hoes! And then he told me about having you for a night, I didn't think much of it. Because for him.. I would do anything." She moved away from me and grabbed a glass with wine "Ah~ So I drugged you," My eyes widened "Yeah, I drugged you! And when I took you to him.." She stared into open space "He yelled at me.. he yelled at me for drugging you and ordered me to take you home. When I took you home I went back to him and what I heard him say hurt my heart." She took a second to calm down as I saw a tear leave the corner of her eye "He said he wanted to win you over the normal way. He wanted to win you over romantically.. he's never done or thought of doing that for me." She wiped the tear and looked back over at me "But that failed miserably, because of me. That shotting at the club was all. My. Doing."

"You bitch!" TaeHyung yelled at her as she quickly turned to him

"YOU, SHUT UP!! You don't get to talk. Put duct tape over his mouth." Eun mi said to an NCT member. She sighed before turning back to me. "Now back to where I was." She walked up to me, grabbing my face "Oh right, the shotting, I found out he was gonna win your heart that day at the club so I teamed up with Kai and told him everything. Well," She huffed "I told him what he needed to hear." She smirked "But some how Tae found out about the plan I had, the plan to have Kai's men kill you. That day he took you from your home. Was the day you were meant to die." Her face became all serious "That's right, TaeHyung didn't end your life that day. He saved you, he only tortured and cut you because of his anger issues and his bad temper, yeah he's a bad boy~" She sighed letting go of my face and backed away from me "So yeah, anything that's happened to you, was because of me. Except the baby, that brat ruined everything. You getting pregnant was the most disgusting, horrible thing to ever happen." My eyes stopped watering. Oh now I'm pissed. Eun mi looked into my eyes once again and saw only angry.

"Talk all you want about me. Or TaeHyung. But never. NEVER! Talk about my baby girl!" I pushed myself up from the chair, wrapping my legs around her neck and pulling her to the ground. I stepped on her neck to keep her down. "You've always been such a backstabbing bitch." I looked up to see Lucas pointing a gun to my head.

TaeHyung saw quick and wrapped a knife from the back of his pocket and cut the duct tape around his wrists. Quickly pushing himself up and tackling Lucas to the floor.

"Y/n! Think fast!" He throw me the knife and I quickly cut the duck tape around my hands.

As he started to fight the two NCT members, I got up, pulling Eun mi up from the floor and put the knife up to her neck.

"You deserve nothing but the worst." She just laughed like a maniac, I pressed the knife on her neck "What's so funny?!" She laughed even more as I suddenly felt a knife to my back. I gasped and stopped.

"Let her go." I didn't do what he said, instead I pressed the knife up more to her neck

"And what if I just slit her neck?"

"Then I'll just stab you."

"I'll recover, she on the other hand will die." I could just feel his smirk

"Maybe I'll just kill you and TaeHyung." Why does this voice sound to familiar.

"Kai?" I whispered.

"Who else Baby Girl?" My eyes widened.

"B-But you're in jail.."

"I was. Now let her go. Or I'll simply just stab you and your precious boyfriend." I looked over at TaeHyung, the two NCT members have him pressed on the ground.

"Y/n! Don't do it! Just slit her throat! Don't worry about me!" I gulped trying to figure out something to  do so none of us get hurt. "Y/n—agh-"

I took a deep breath before cutting her neck slightly and pushing her forward, before quickly turning around and grabbing onto Kai's wrist and twisting it making him drop the knife. I then kicked it to Tae and fell on Kai, putting my knife to his neck.

"Don't move!" I said as I looked over to TaeHyung as he was now standing, pressing his foot to one of the NCT members and his knife on the other.

"Y/n! We have to leave! NamJoon and the others are outside and they already set up the bomb! It's gonna explode any minute now!" TaeHyung looked at Kai "And the others, I suggest you guys leave to if you want to live." He then punched both the NCT members, knocking them out and running for the door. "Y/n! Let's go!" I looked down at Kai

"You can still change."

"Never." He responded and I shock my head and I got up and ran for the door myself.

I looked back at the two NCT members, Kai and Eun mi.. why do I feel bad?

TaeHyung took my hand and ran out the building. We kept running into the streets and then heard a DANG come from where we ran off from. We both covered our ears and looked back at the building. The building blow up into flames, window glass smashing into pieces.

"Holy shit.. Tae.. are they gonna be alright?"

"As long as they got out. Now come on, we have to get home, you're bleeding"

"Huh?" I looked down at my stomach as I felt a slight pain appear out of no where. "Holy—how did that happen?! I didn't even feel it!"

"Kai did stab you but it wasn't deep so you'll be fine, now come on. Jin will take a look at our wounds. And we have to go quick cause the cops with be here soon to surround the place."

To Be Continued...

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