Chapter 9

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A/N: Let's not go into too much details of how the procedure was done. There is time skip after their transplant surgery. I'am sorry. 😣

Namjoon tried calling Jungkook but unavailable so he send Tae back to the hospital because he needs to be by his daughter side.

They walked from the parking lot, to the elevator until they reached outside Hanie's room. Namjoon then decided to break the silence by confidently telling Tae that everything will be just fine and to forget whatever Jungkook had said about him.

"Your little girl is going to be cancer free and you didn't have to wait months for a match for her to have her bone marrow transplant,

....God will provide for you and make sure that everything is taken care of. He has gotten you this far," Namjoon says. "He's not going to leave you now.."

"I guess you're right. I.. I don't know how to thank you Joonie hyung. You being a savior, saving Hanie's life, I really don't know how,-"

Taehyung said after he bowed politely but his words cut short since he's too grateful for Namjoon kind deeds. "B- because of you my daughter is going to be able to be normal again and be healthy."

Slowly, Tae puts his arms around Namjoon and he hugs Tae back. Namjoon loosens the hug, but doesn't let go and looks down at Tae,

"Your little girl is my niece. I should do my part atleast.. and yes she will be healthy again! Now go inside and rest. Be strong, okay? Hanie needs you."

Tae then step inside after Namjoon leaves; He clean himself, change into new clothes before laying beside his girl slowly and carefully not to wake the babygirl.

"Baby.. Mama found out that today is your last day of chemo session.. soon you will be getting a bone marrow transplant. Your uncle Namjoonie are such an angel.. he will be the one saving your life,

...I'm sure God had a lot to do with that so that you can be a normal kid again. You know, it's been tough without your dada and I just wish he could be here with me for this, holding me when I cry, the lonely sad nights and those tough days.. Mama miss your dada so much and I know you too. God.. thank you for helping this miracle happen."

Taehyung let out the words from his aching heart while caressing his girl hair and down to her cheeks.

Silent tears leaked out the corners of his eyes before he eventually fell asleep.

But Tae didn't realised Jungkook was just outside the room listening attentively to his confessions which make his heart break into three thousand pieces;

Damn. Jungkook couldn't stand it hearing heartbreaking statements especially knowing it's Tae.

Taking a hesitant step inside the room, he clenched his hands at his sides, feeling very uncomfortable. "What's wrong with me?" He asked himself softly and his tears beginning to flow~

The next three weeks went faster than they thought and every day since Hanie transplant, Dr. Wang and his team had monitored to see how the little girl body was reacting to the transplant.

The first day was the hardest as she wasn't really feeling her best but she soon started to feel better.

Day after day, the stem cells had been doing their job. It took about 5 days, 2 transfusions of red blood cells and platelets before the stem cells started to reproduce and make new blood cells for her body.

The good news was that her body was not attacking the new cells nor was it attacking the stem cells or the red blood cells transfused into her body.

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