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I drove down the road before stopping at the old bridge. I stopped my car and hopped out with the others following behind. "Where's yo home?" Kd asked and I rolled my eyes. "The place is inaccessible by vehicle so we'll have to walk." I said before walking over to the trunk and they grabbed their bags out. I went in the backseat and grabbed Jays sleeping body and held him close to me. "You can't be loud my little sister and grandmother live here." I said and they nodded. We crossed the bridge and Ben and Kd leaned over. "The water isn't shallow and its filled with vines and so if you fall your bound to die." I said and they quickly moved from the edge as we crossed. "Don't get lost at night there are wolves in these woods along with bears." I said as we walked through. "So How Do you know where your going?" Boomer asked and I clicked my tongue. "I've lived near these woods basically my whole childhood." I said and we walked out of the dense woods and over the hill top. "How far is your house?" Nie asked and I looked at her visibly shiver. "Right... There." I said as we reached the top of the hill. We looked down And there was a regular sized mini mansion right there.

We walked down the hill. Kd rolled down because he slipped And fell down the hill. "You good?" I asked as he stood up and he mugged me. "Real fucking funny." He said and I laughed. "Watch your language young man." I heard my grandmothers voice and I snapped my head towards it to see her coming around from the side. "Hey Granny what were you doing on the side of the house?" I ask and she smacks her teeth. "That ain't for you to know." She said walking in the house and my mind went totally left and I scrunched my face up. "Oh lord." I said lowly walking in behind her. "Where's Angel?" I ask as everybody else walked in. "She's in her room asleep. She got tired after her math session." Granny said walking to the kitchen and I nodded. "If your hungry there's left overs from dinner." Granny said and I nodded. "Okay I'll show them to their rooms and get them known to the rules of the house." I said and she nodded. I turned and walked up the steps to the west wing of the house.

"You guys can adventure all over if you want. Do not enter none of the rooms that have Golden writing on the door that you don't understand." I said walking down the hall past Jay and Timéros room. "Don't break nothing in these halls. Don't take nothing off the walls." I said directly towards Kd who was about to grab a sword that hung across the wall.

The short sword had a zig zag build to it. My father called it the serpent sword. Anyone pierced with its blade will fall terribly ill and if you survive the cold you pass it's test but if you fail your soul will forever be trapped in its blade. It's just a story that father told us. Beside it layes it's scabbard black with the green serpent painted on it and red emerald eyes that watch over the mourning souls that are bound to the sword.

I honestly wouldn't have believed it if it weren't for Me seeing myself how one of the old maids cut herself playing with the sword and the next day she was sick with something even the doctors couldn't identify. Four days later she was dead.

"My room is on the east wing of the house. There are a number of animals that live in this house. Granny will scold you if you mess with her plants in the green room. Jays room is the first door on the left by the steps across from it is Timéros room. I highly suggest not to play any pranks on him. There's a game room downstairs. That's the only place you'll find Electronic games. Don't take any of them out of there. All rooms have a tv and access to cable. There's a small pool out back. There's two maids that live here and two gaurds that are stationed outside from dawn to dusk. Everyone here speaks English so if you need help ask. I'll introduce you all to Angel tomorrow morning. By the way break fast is at eight thirty lunch is two and dinner is at eight pm. Everyone eats together here. When I have meetings don't bother me unless an emergency. Also don't fall for Angels tricks. She'll easily get in your head." I said and they nodded. "Oh and don't ever go beyond the north hill. And stay out the woods." I said and they nodded. "You all can choose your rooms. Granny also sleeps on the east wing and don't throw anything out the bay windows or balcony." I said and they nodded. I turned and walked back down the hall to put Jay to sleep. I went into his room and walked over to his bed I laid him down and placed his cover over him tucking him in.

I kissed his forehead before walking out shutting the door quietly behind me. I yelped covering my mouth surprised to see Kentrell leaning against the wall.

"Why are you just standing there?" I ask and he pushes off the wall. "I was waitin foh you." He said and I hummed nodding while walking to the steps. "You sleepin in my room tonight?" I ask walking to the other stairwell. "Yup." He said and I stopped in the middle of the hall. I turned facing him and he looked down at me.

"I doubt your tired. You wanna tour the house?" I ask and he walks up to me and grabs my wrist. He put them behind my back and kisses me slowly. I kiss back and he lets go of my wrists and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Go to a room!" Granny yelled and we quickly pulled apart and I turned to look at her. "Damned teenagers." She mumbled walking up the steps. When she was out of sight I started laughing and he looked at me and smiled.

"So like I asked. House tour?" I said and he nodded. "Yeah." He said and I nodded.

BTW im goin on a small VACA from this book along with My other Youngboy book. I promise that I will be still writing so when I come back itll be great. Ill upload small little side stories or maybe a full chapter once I can focus. I dont plan on writing only Youngboy books or any other rappers. We write about many things but keep them drafted for purpose to focus on One or two books but with us Both now in school its become harder for us too write since we have to keep our grades up. Plus we both participate in the Dance team at our school +Boxing and Swimming and our after school studies. I swear to you all Ill update when I can.

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