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I woke up hearing the lunch bell and I sat up feeling a sharp pain in my uterus making me grunt. "Oh so you finally up." Kentrell said looking at me from the closet door. "What was that bell?" He asked and I smiled. "It's the lunch bell. Lunchtime will start in half an hour." I said and he nodded staring at me. "You okay?" He asked and I looked at him with a stern glare. "My couchie hurt." I said and he laughed walking over.

"My bad Bae." He said kissing me and I laughed a little shaking my head. I stood up feeling pain in my lower half making me hold onto the bed post. "Imma help you." He said picking me up bridal style and walking to the bathroom. "I already showered so you do what you gotta do and I'll change the sheets." He said sitting me on the toilet and I nodded before he walked out shutting the door behind him.

I stripped hopping in the shower. The hot water slightly burning my skin. When I finished washing up I got out feeling the cold air against my skin as I quickly put on my towel.

I sighed drying off completely before putting on lotion and a Ethika set. I walked out the bathroom and he looked up at me. "All better?" He asked and I smiled nodding. "Yup. All better." I said and he smiled getting up. "Now c'mon and put some clothes on." He said lightly pushing me into the closet. I put on some black joggers with a white Shirt that has Forever written on the front in cursive and I slid on some minney mouse socks and my white fluffy slides. I walked out and he nodded approving of the fit.

"Lunch time." I said grabbing his hand and we walked out going downstairs. We walked in just as the second bell rung. Everybody came in and sat down just before Val and Vel came in with the platters. They sat them down in front of everyone and for the first time the whole table was full. Once they were finished we all removed the platters seeing sliced turkey with mashed potatoes a piece of corn on the cob and a miniature cup of gravy.

The two little ones got their turkey put on a sandwich with a small spoonful of mashed potatoes and pulled corn with gravy.

"What type of meals do you be making him cook?" Ben asked as everyone started talking and I laughed. "I allow him to cook whatever he wants." I said and he looked down at the plate then back at me. "Damn you got it good." He said and I simply laughed shaking my head.


When lunch finished the elites left and I went upstairs into my room. I turned the light off and walked up to the tv. I pressed the little blue button at the bottom corner of the tv. My tv glowed blue before it's out of screen appearance showed.

Yup it's an AI. Got it from General yun siwei in Japan. I got a lot of AI blue prints from him. Y'all live in 2019 I'm living in 2040.

"Center control." I said and the a picture of my center gang appeared which is all the Alpha's group and the people who live in the gang house. I tapped on a few people who would be joining the mission with me. "Inner intersection." I say and the young elite from all my Mexico Alliances appeared. I tapped about seven main people who I knew of. "Outer Intersect." I said and it switched over to the elites from North America who'm I have alliances with.

Of course I got Camari and some others from my elite then I grabbed a few from Louisiana, Georgia, South Carolina, and of course Alliances from North Dakota.

I submitted them into the red file and typed in description saying 'Go to North Dakota main house. Stay there until **\**\** and wait for my orders.' I pressed the red button initiating their file but sending the message to only my ND people.

I sighed closing down the AI just as Kentrell walked through my door. I turned as he strutted closer to me. "What were you in here doing?" He asked and I shrugged looking up at him. "Collecting all the people who's coming with me far north." I said and he nodded grabbing my hand.

He pulled me out the room and down the hall. We walked past a few golden rooms before he stopped infront of one.

"This one says your name." He said and he was right, It had my name on it in Latin. "How do you know that?" I ask and he shrug looking at me. "I got bored and searched your name in different languages. Technically your rule don't apply to me and this room." He said and I nodded. He's right, since he can read it he's allowed to enter. He turned the knob and walked in with me right behind him.

"What is this?" He asks looking around at the child like room. "When I first built this house it was built as a replica of my old one that burned down. This was my room." I said and he nodded looking at all the weapons across the wall in different colors. "You were a dangerous kid." He said and I nodded laughing a little. "When I was a kid, I was fascinated with weapons of all types. Especially blades, I always wanted to be a master blacksmith so I could create my own blades." I said and he laughed looking back at me. "That's not something a child should like." He said walking to the desk seeing the scattered papers. "What is this?" He asks picking up the papers flipping through them. "That's a journal I used to keep at Aunties house. I used to love drawing and writing during my spare time which I barely had since I was always training." I said and he hummed looking at one of the papers. "This poem. It's about death isn't it." He said showing me the page with a casket drawing and I nodded. I walked over and looked closely at the words.

"Death is not a person.
But it is not a thing.
What is death?
Death is an emotion.
It is a feeling of when you've truly lost someone that you fear will never be returned to you.
Death is the permanent ceasing of life in something.
Why is death so close to my family?
Like a family friend who is not wanted but is always there.
But, Death is still...
not a person." I read out the poem that is written in Spanish. I looked at Kentrell and he looked like he was damn near ready to cry. "That shit hit home." He said setting the book down and I nodded my head. "That poem in specifics was written to be read by others. I actually wrote that poem and read it at Caspians funeral. It made everyone there cry." I said and he nodded wiping his eyes. "Of course it is. Got me boutta cry like a lil bitch." He said and I laughed shaking my head. "Cmon let's get outta here, you can come back whenever for more investigation." I said pulling him out closing the door quietly. I heard the sound of Coco running down the hall and he ran behind me as Jay and Angel appeared with crazy people smiles.

I don't know what they tryna do but this ain't my dog. I picked him up by his scruff and tossed him at Jaden who easily caught him and they ran off. I could hear his barks in the distance making me laugh. We went to my room and I was still jhi tired so I laid down and Kentrell cuddled against me laying his head on my chest.

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