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I lay in bed and stare up at the ceiling that must be twenty feet high. I inhale and exhale, breathing in the plants that are surrounding the room. Vases of a Silverleaf, Golden milkweeds and other plants that I cannot name and is not allowed to touch reminds me of someone I don't want to think about.

The door to the room open and I shut my eyes and pretend to sleep.

"Get up."

I peek my eyes open and Sasha is in her battle gear, minus her sword. She peers over at her plants and examines them closely before moving one away from the sunlight and another closer to the sunlight. I lift up and Sasha glances at me. "It's time for you to go back home." She tells me.

I frown. "You said I can crash here."

Sasha shrugs, "It's been ten days. I've buried Eliza peacefully—" She clears her throat. She looks at me with a scowl. "I want my room back."

I roll my eyes, "Fine. Whatever."

"Plus." Sasha pushes. "Queen wants to speak with you."

"I don't want to talk to her." I spat.

"You respect your Elders." Sasha reminds me. She finally looks away from her plants and goes into her closet before tossing me an outfit similar to hers but without the phoenix symbol. "Queen will not stop nagging me until she sees you. Get dress." She commands. "Queen and I were able to defend why you missed Eliza memorial however, you are important now and there are responsibilities that come with winning the solo battle and having high status."

I roll my eyes but begin to change. Sasha glances at me as I remove my shirt. She turns away and heads for the door. "You also need to eat." She then slams the door behind her. I run my hand over my face in frustration.

It doesn't take long before I'm walking the halls of K level. It is odd staying here but I'm comfortable and away from all the chaos within the town. I meet Sasha by the elevators and she's staring at Eliza statue. Her eyes finally meet mine and I ask, "Could we go the back way?"

"No." Sasha answers and the elevator door slide open. I inhale and step inside and the ride down makes me anxious. "You will get your new uniform soon. It will hold the dragon symbol."

I nod my head but I'm really not listening. The elevators door slide open and the entire hall becomes silent. Sasha holds her head high and steps out first. I follow behind her. I squeeze onto the dagger that rests on my hip for comfort. I stay close behind Sasha and keep my eyes away from all of the on-lookers. We are almost at the door but luck is not on my side.

Javier meet my eyes first and he calls my name, "Hal." This result in the others turning around. Sakiya stares at me with anger and disgust in her eyes. I squeeze the hilt of my dagger tighter and continue out the school doors behind Sasha.

We decide to walk to Queen's cafe and I freeze. Sasha gives me a moment before she is pushing the door open. The bell rings above us and the Elder's including my grandmother turn toward us.

"You're late." Ford is the first to speak.

Sasha does not give him the satisfaction of responding. She chooses to stand by the wall and I stick next to her. Ford's face is still badly bruised even after ten days.

"What are we up against, exactly?" A tall man I recognize from Kalahari speaks. "Faye has returned and no one seems to know her plans." He looks toward Ford. "Your nephew Dimitri, he is responsible for all of this. What ties does he have with Faye?"

"I don't know." Ford snarls. "That boy has always been a disappointment. However, I would have never thought he was apart of something so evil—"

The Queen's Red LakeWhere stories live. Discover now