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The escape is the easy part but not getting caught is more difficult. It spreads around town quickly that there are dangerous fugitives on the run. Our faces are planted everywhere, and it is difficult to find a place to hide. It takes us most of the day to sneak our way through town and into the woods, following a back trail.

"It will be night soon." Sasha comments from behind me. "We need to find shelter."

I do not comment. Sasha and Atlas have been a great help—but I would rather be on this journey alone. I didn't trust them and something in the back of my head keeps telling me to run and leave them behind. We finally make it to our destination and the home looks the same. I can see Sasha's eyes lighting up from all the beautiful flowers and plants surrounding the nice cottage home. I roll my eyes at her excitement even though it is a rare sight,

The door is slammed open but instead of a happy welcoming like last time. Carol is pointing a shotgun our way. "I may not be a high-status witch, but I have a good aim."

Sasha pulls her sword and Atlas follows her stance. I step between them, "Everyone calm down." I step in front of Sasha and look towards Carol. "We need your help."

Carol cackles loudly, it drips with sarcasm. "I knew there was something about you." She hisses. "I just couldn't put my finger on it but a demonic—" She pauses for dramatics. "I should call the Elder's right now.

"Five minutes." I tell her. "Just give me five minutes to explain everything."

"I don't owe you anything." Carol replies.

"Yeah well—" I pause. "When shit hits the fan, you can choose your side, or we can battle this out and it seems you're out-numbered."

Carol narrows her eyes and I can feel Sasha stepping forward, ready. There is silence for a few heartbeats. Only the wind and the sway of the trees. Finally, Carol puts away her weapon. "Hurry inside." She snarls.

We hurry inside and I choose the first chair in sight. I was exhausted and honestly, all I wanted to do was eat and fall asleep—wake up and laugh because this is all a dream. Carol comes back into the main room with tea. I take it kindly but Sasha refuses, I look at her oddly. "It could be poisonous." Sasha explains. I turn and look at Carol and she arches her eyebrow at me before shrugging her shoulders. She sips quietly at her tea and I choose to follow.

Not poisonous.

I finish the tea quickly and damn it tasted good. I lick my lips and settle into the chair.

"Talk." Carol demands.

I tell her everything. Carol listens, sips her tea, and only ask questions during dramatic pauses. "Dimitri is a spy." She drifts off and then something clicks. "Dimitri use to come and ask me questions about certain spells. I'm not a high-status witch but I had a few books my grandmother left behind before she died. I didn't know he was working with Faye." She sips her tea again. "I didn't know she was your mother. It makes sense to why you can wield her daggers."

I squeeze the daggers on my hip. I wish I could leave them behind knowing they belonged to Faye long ago, but I need them. We are connected. "She's not my mother." I hiss. "She didn't raise me."

Carol just sips her tea before narrowing her eyes, "Don't touch that." I turn around just in time to see Sasha retracting her fingers from a violent plant. It looks like a cactus, but it comes to life and a nasty fire red tongue shoots toward Sasha's fingers.

Sasha's eyes go wide, curious, and excited. "These are rare." She leans close fascinated but, careful. "During studies, they said they were all extinct."

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