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I just heard that Addi's best friend has a dairy issue. I call the Acey's to meet me at my house for some planning.

 "So how'd you like this; we sneak up on her and drop a cheese cube in her water." Tracey suggested.

 "No, how about this; we carve out the insides of an apple and fill it with a cheesy filling that looks like the apple." Stacy said.

"We could just give her a bottle of milk that doesn't look like a regular bottle." Lacey chimed in.

 "Those all sound great but why don't we - Bucky! Bucky! Bucky!-Let me take this phone call guys." I was interrupted by my phone ringing.

"Hey Bucky! What are you up to?" Addison's voice filled my ear.

"Oh, just hanging out with the Aceys. What do you need?" I stated.

 "Well, it's Zara's birthday soon and I don't know how to bake a cake. Can you and the Aceys bake a cake and bring it to school tomorrow?" Addison requested.

"Of course! I can do anything for my lovely cousin." I grinned.

 "Has dating got you all lovey-dovey? Because I don't need all that flattery. But thanks!" Addison said.

"No, not really. Sorry. Bye!" I quickly hung up the call.

"Did you guys hear that? We're baking a cake and adding a little milk for Zara." I announced.

*Time skip because I should be doing my homework*

 "Bucky, did you bake it?" Addison asked.

 "Yes. It's a dairy free Red Velvet." I said, putting emphasis on the dairy-free part.

 "Zed! When you see Zara coming, can you cover her eyes while we light the candles?" Addison turned to Zed.

 "Of course." Zed nodded.

 "Lighting the candles doesn't include fire, right?" Bonzo asked hesitantly.

"It does but the fire only lasts till they get blown out. Wait, did you just say that in English?" Addison said.

 "He's now had a year of English classes,so he's fluent in both Zombie and English." Zed reminded her.

 "Sorry, I forgot. And it's weird, because I hear you talk in English every day!" Addison apologized.

 "It's okay, babe." Bonzo smiled.

 "Zed, your girlfriend is coming." I grinned.

 "She's not my girlfriend! Not yet anyways." Zed said the the last part quietly.

Zed covered her eyes as she made her way to our table. The Aceys and I snickered as we thought of our trick."

 "Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Zara, Happy Birthday to you!" Addison sang.

 "Aww, guys! Thank you!" Zara beamed.

 "We made you a dairy free Red Velvet cake." I told her.

We cut the cake and began to eat. Suddenly Zara was holding her stomach and hunched over. Maybe adding that milk wasn't a great idea...?

 "Z, are you okay? Is it the cramps?" Zed asked, concerned.

Zara weakly nodded her head.

 "Bucky! You said it was DAIRY FREE! That means NO DAIRY OF ANY SORT!" Addison yelled at me.

 "Maybe something got mixed in by accident? We followed a recipe without the milk and eggs!" Stacey tried to defend.

 "Eliza, can you and Bonzo go to Principal Lee and tell her our situation?" Addison asked.

Eliza and Bonzo ran to tell her. In minutes, Principal Lee was there.

 "What's the problem?" Principal Lee asked.

 "Zara ate something with dairy in it. She's allergic." Zed stated.

"Clear everything with dairy away. Bucky, Aceys, go tell the other students to go back to the classrooms and close the blinds. Zed, call 911." Principal Lee ordered.


I felt immediate pain after eating one bite of that tasty cake. I lost my senses but could tell that Addi was yelling at Bucky. Principal Lee came and made orders. I felt myself being lifted on to a soft surface before passing out.


I was worried for Zara. She's a zombie and she could die from this. The ambulance came and Addison and I were allowed to go to the hospital with Zara.

 "Addi, I hope the doctors can work fast enough that Z won't die." I muttered.

 "Why would she die? Oh, wait. Allergies can be very harmful to zombies, right?" Addison said.

I just nodded my head. I held Zara's hand while Addi stroked her head. Why won't this ambulance drive faster?

When we arrived, they took Zara away to check her. Addi and I gave the receptionist all the info we could give. 

 "Is Zara Hollower's family here?" A doctor called out.

 "We're friends. Is she okay?" Addison stood up.

 "We'll have to do some tests on her. She's stable for now." The doctor told us.

 "When will she be able to go home?" I asked, now standing as well.

"As she is a zombie, we may take a few days to examine her, to find her problem, then to see if she can be cured. We'll get back to you as soon as we can." The doctor stated.

 "Zed, let's go." Addison tugged on my hand.

I felt numb as we headed back to school. I know she's just 15 and me 16, but I think she's the one. 

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