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Talking to Zed after school has been weird. Why? We had a full conversation in our native Zombie tongue. I'm usually the one who talks while Zed talks in English. When Zed is very sad or depressed, he talks only in Zombie.

 "Zig goat zong zigity, Zed? (What's the matter, Zed?)" I asked.

 "Goat zoat ziggity zong zang. (I'm just really missing Zara)." Zed answered.

 "Zong zang gig ziz zig giz. (She's a fighter, she'll live.)" I told him.

"Zut,Gong zang git zit? (But what if she doesn't? What if I don't get to tell her I love her?)" Zed asked.

Just then Eliza popped up.

 "How are you feeling, Zed?" She asked.

 "He's in zombie mode. No English. Zed, Zit gong zoat? (How are you feeling?)" I told her, then turned to Zed.

 "Zust ziggity zang (Just missing Zara)." Zed repeated. I translated for Eliza.

 "Well, Addison just called me to say Zara's parents want to see you." Eliza stated.

"Eliza! Tell him in Zombie!" I almost hissed.

 "I can't! Only you and Zed can speak it. In our friend group, that is" Eliza reminded me..

"Zaddison zit gat got Zara's zigittey zong zang." I told zed what Eliza had told me. 

At that, Zed's face lit up like a kid hearing the words candy store.

 "Giong git zit goat zoat? (Really?)" Zed asked in disbelief.

 "Yep! Now you go and find out news for us." I said in English. I gave him a little shove t

Zed left with a face-splitting smile. Now he's back to his usual happy self.


I was expecting good news. I got both good and bad news. 

 "So you're Zara's boy! She has been talking non stop about you." Matt, Zara's dad greeted.

"Do you want the good news or the bad news first?" Lila, Zara's mother asked.

 "Good news?" I answered, though it sounded more like a question than a statement.

 "The doctors found the problem. Bad news is, she won't be able to eat." Matt replied.

 "Her top half of her digestive system works but her bottom half won't." Lila added.

 "So she'll need two things: A few weeks here in the hospital and someone to help her through this." Matt continued.

 "And we think you are the one for her, Zed. Will you help?" Lila concluded.

 "But of course ma'am. I'm happy to help. I just wish we didn't have to meet this way." I sadly smiled.

 "Me too. But here we are. Do you want to see her?" Lila said. I nodded.

They took me to a room where a lifeless-looking Zara lay. She looked really pale; more than usual. She smiled when she saw me. Her parents left us alone.

 "Zara! I've missed you!" I smiled slightly.

 "Me too. Did Mom and Dad tell you about my condition?" Zara asked, her voice sounding hoarse.

 "Yes, and I'm truly sorry that you have to go through this. But I will be by your side as much as I can until you are completely healed." I told her.

 "Zed, I'm scared. What if I die? What if we never have our happy ever after? What if-" Zara began.

 "Zar, I'm scared too, but if we worry, we won't be able to see that we're together. Speaking of that, I know we've only known each other a few weeks but before anything gets more serious, Will you be my girlfriend?" I said.

"A million times yes!" Zara's face lit up as she smiled.

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