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I was freaking out inside. Here I was, standing before a doctor who was holding a pair of scissors. I mean, should a freshman in high school be freaking out about a tool you use to make valentines?

 "So this is what we're going to do. We'll take you in for a test, to see how we should start the treatment." The doctor, Dr. Brown announced. 

 "How long will the treatment be, once you start?" Zed asked.

 "If everything goes well, about a year. But from time to time you can go home for a spell." Dr. Brown stated.

 "Can we just get going, please? I want to get this over with." I interrupted..

Zed held onto my hand as I was wheeled into the Operating Theatre. I saw him continue to hold my hand just as I blacked out.


When Zara drifted to sleep, I was asked to leave the operating room. So I took the time to text Addison, knowing she would want to know about the situation.

Young_Z: Hey, Addison!

Addi_Cheerchamp: Hey, Zed! How's everything?

Young_Z: Fine. The doctor just took Zara in for a test.

Addison_Cheerchamp: You mean they are testing on her like the scientists did to the alien in E.T?! Just because she's a zombie?! Pls tell me I'm wrong!

Young_Z: No, they are testing on her to find out what would be the best treatment method. Not because she's a zombie. Otherwise, all us zombies would have to be in hiding if scientists wanted to do that.

Addison_Cheerchamp: Oh, right. How are you? You sound sad. If you're wondering, using the  . makes me sad.

Young_Z: I'm fine, just worried. Hey, they just brought her out. Gtg, Sys!

Addison_Cheerchamp: See you soon Too!

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