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Sorry it's been long. I've been busy and away with school and volleyball games. Anyway, onto the story!


I can't believe we're actually doing this! The longest I have ever been away from Seabrook is a weekend. And the longest I have been away from Mom and Dad is one day, which happened to be a sleepover with Addison. Suddenly I hear a very familiar voice.

 "Yo,Zed! This is an airplane. It flies, not drives on a road." Bucky smirked. He took a sip out of a glass containing beer.

 "Bucky, what are you doing here?" I asked.

 "Oh, um, I'm on my way to visit relatives in Boston." Bucky quickly answered.

 "Addi told me you don't have relatives in Boston." Zed noted.

 "Ma'am, this boy is under twenty-one." I alerted a flight attendant.

The flight attendant took away the glass of beer Bucky was holding. By the way we were in First class.

 "Hey! She's lying- I don't even know this girl!" Bucky tried to stop the lady.

Zed and I rolled our eyes. Bucky can be such a dimwit sometimes. Then Bucky tapped on Zed's shoulder.

 "Zed, are you one of those Christians? Christians aren't cool in Seabrook." Bucky asked. I really wish his seat wasn't behind ours.

 "Bucky, what are you-the mayor of Seabrook? Or are you the mayor at Seabrook High?" I deadpanned.

 "Neither." Bucky huffed.

 "Then leave your nose out of other people's business." I spat at him.

"Thanks, Zar. You didn't really have to do it." Zed thanked me.

 "But Zed, if you don't stop Bucky, then he'll never leave you alone. Anyway, are you really a Christian?" I said.

 "Yes." Zed whispered so Bucky didn't hear. 

 "That explains that song Zoey sang for me. Can you tell me more about this religion?" I asked.


My girlfriend is actually interested into Christianity! I tell her that you have to ask Jesus to forgive you for all the bad things you  have said, thought or done. Jesus died on a cross for our sins so that we may be able to spend Eternity with Him in Heaven.

 "Zed, I believe." Zara stated.

"Then ask Jesus to forgive you for your sins." I smiled.

 "Dear Jesus, please forgive me for all the bad things I have done. I want to be your follower. Thank you, Amen." Zara prayed.

 "Zar, now all the angels in Heaven are rejoicing because another person has had their name written into the Book of Life." I grinned. Zara grinned back

3 hours later, our plane landed in the Boston Airport. I held Zara's hand as we made our way to the hospital and to her room. 

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