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The next day, or the morning after my nightmare, everyone took me and Zed to their very favorite places. We were leaving that day, going back to Boston. The Aceys and Bucky took us to Seabrook Diner, where I was able to eat a half of a half of a half of a half of a cinnamon pancake. Eliza took me to Seabrook&Nobles (Barnes&Nobles) to buy the next recent book of American Girl and The Little House series. Addi and I watched the movie Black Beauty. Three hours before we had to be at the airport, Zed went to go spend some time with his family while I spent time with mine.


 "Soo Zed, how are you and that girl?" Dad asked as he spooned cauliflower on to his plate.

 "Probably spending the nights having sex." Zoey snickered under her breath.

 "We don't have sex, Zoey. What do you read?" I gasped. 

 "Sex advice by Bob Toenail. All the girls are reading book from the high school section at the public library." Zoey answered casually as she took a bite of her food.

"It was a rhetorical question." I added.

 "Whatever your friends do isn't right. Stop reading those books. You're grounded for a week." Dad announced firmly. Zoey gumbled and stomped up the stairs to her room.

 "Sooo, about us. We are happy together and I hope I can ask her to marry me as soon as we finish high school." I said.

 "That's good to hear that you get along. How is she doing, you know about her condition?" Dad said.

 "She's been asking for her meds a thousand time an hour, since she's in constant pain. But this month, with being here, I think that took her mind off the pain." I smiled thoughtfully.

 "That's good. There's something else you're not telling me. What is it?" Dad asked for the one thing I didn't want to talk about.

 "Well, last night she had a nightmare. She said that Addison slapped her and I said I wished I had never been her boyfriend. We all saw her about to cut her neck with a knife in her sleep. Does this mean she's not happy with me? Does it mean that I'm not good enough for her? Does it mean she's going to die?!" I asked.

"Zed, calm down. No, you are a great boy for her; she's just worried that with being away she is taking a lot away from school and her friends" Dad paused to yell up the stairs.

 "Zoey! Off your phone this minute!" Dad returned and continued, "She may be starting to have suicidal thoughts and as her boyfriend, you need to be with her all the time to prevent anything from happening." 

Dad once again stood up to yell for Zoey. "Zoey! Get down here now!"

 "What do you want, old man?" Zoey grumbled as she appeared in the kitchen.

 "Zoey! What a stuck up fifth grader you have become!" I commented. I don't remember her being that rude to us.

 "Zoey, give me your phone, earbuds, laptop, and tablet now. Being grounded means not using any electronics too." Dad held out his hand. Zoey groaned but did as she was told.

 "How's Zara, since I last saw her?" Zoey asked, taking a seat.

 "She's fine, though in constant pain. But last night she- she-" I didn't know if I should continue or stop right there.

 "She what? Tell me!" Zoey urged.

 "She dreamt that I said I wished I wasn't her boyfriend because I spent too much time with her and not you." I stated.

 "Gosh. That seems like a bad dream alright. She really doesn't think that, does she?" Zoey asked.

"I hope not." I sighed.

 "She better not having second thoughts about you-you're perfect together!" Zoey said.


 "How are you and Zed doing, relationship wise?" Mom asked during our last dinner together.

 "Great! We have been together almost a whole year." I smiled.

 "How are you feeling?" Dad asked, reaching for the salt.

 "Usually I'm asking Zed for my meds a thousand times an hour, it hurts so bad! But being here with you has taken my mind off the pain." I answered.

 "That's good! Do you think you are getting better?" Mom asked.

 "I don't know. I was able to keep down that tiny piece of pancake today. I think if I try to eat more, maybe I will be able to tell." I sighed.

 "A little birdie told me that your doctor had that plan in mind." Dad smiled.

 "Who told you, Zed?" I laughed.

 "Yes. So about your nightmare, are you okay?" Dad asked about the one thing I really didn't want to discuss.

"Well, I'm worried that I'm taking everything from school, and from Zed. Addi said, in the dream, that Seabrook High was paying for my treatment and leaving no money for tours for the sports. Zed said that he didn't want to be my boyfriend if it meant that he would have to stay with me. He said he couldn't be with Zoey for her cheerleading events. Am I taking a lot away?" I asked.

 "No, sweetie, you're not. In fact, as a member of the PTF, some of the kids said they were happy for all their wins and that the money was going to you." Mom assured me.

 "But what about the knife? Does it mean I will die?" I asked.

 "No, you may start to have suicidal thoughts, but we will help you overcome them before anything happens. Zed will help too." Mom rubbed my hand comfortingly.

We talked for the next 2 hours. At 3:00 pm, Zed came to take me to the airport. We had a million hugs all around before we boarded the plane.

What If ( ZOMBIES love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora