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When we got home, I ran to my room.  I searched for my ripped jeans and tried them on. They fit perfectly now that my bloated stomach was gone.

 "Mom! Dad! I'm coming out with a surprise!" I called out as I came down the stairs. 

 "Let's see, honey. Matt, look! Her stomach!" Mom gasped in disbelief.

 "Did you roll a rolling pin on your stomach, girl?" Dad asked in a joking manner.

 "No! I'm better!" I giggled.

 "It seems like a miracle happened. I suggest we all go to Boston to find out what happened." Mr. Nedcruplus suggested.

I went to the front porch, where Zed and Zoey were playing I Spy.

"Zed! Guess what!" I could hardly contain my excitement.

"What? Are you able to wear jeans again?" Zed asked, turning to face me.

 "Are you finally ready to have sex with Zed?" Zoey guessed.

 "Zoey! We would never do that!" Zed and I both yelled at her.

 "Whatever. What's the good news?" Zoey shrugged.

 "My stomach isn't bloated anymore! I'm healed! And what's more, I think all six of us are going to Boston, to find out what happened." I beamed. 

 "Yay! A week from school! No homework!" Zoey cheered.

 "I think we'll only be there a couple of days, not a week, Zoey." Zed laughed.

"Great. I guess I still have homework then." Zoey groaned.

Then the adults came out.

 "Kids, start packing. We're taking the next flight to Boston." Dad announced.


zara_girl26: Guys, guess what!

Addison_cheerchamp: What?!

Bucky_Urman: What?

Tr_Acey: What?!

L_acey: What?

St_acey: What's so wonderful?

Eliza#Urgirl: Tell us already!

Bonzzz: Tell us! Like Now!

Young_Z: Zara is...

Everyone but Zara and Zed: Is What!!!!!!!!! 

Zara_girl26: I'm healed!

Bucky_Urman: How is that possible? Ur condition is INCURABLE. 

Eliza_#Urgirl: Bucky, shut up.

Addison_Cheerchamp: That's great!

Young_Z: Both of our families are going to Boston to find out why she's healed.

Everyone: Good Luck!!!

Bucky_Urman: You can finally come back and join the Cheer Squad!!!!!

Everyone: SHUT UP BUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!

Zara_girl26: Srry to ruin ur happy moment Bucky, but I'm not doing cheer. Never have, never will. I'm gonna do Bazz Hop.

Young_Z: That's Ballet/Jazz/Hip Hop all smashed into one dance. Well, we need to sleep. GN!!!

Everyone: GN!!!!!!!!!!

Bucky_Urman: 'Night loser girl.

A/N: Sorry for it being forever to update. My laptop is being mean and won't stay on for at least an hour. So this book is almost over. Comment below if you want me to do a sequel or a Descendants book. I'm thinking of doing an X Reader. If you want that then comment below who should be the boy. Only comment if you know who the characters are from that movie series. 

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