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I woke up after a very painful night in the hospital. Addison and Zed were by my bedside. Addison then slapped my face.

 "I wish I had never been friends with you. Your treatment is using up all our school's money and the sports teams can't go on tour or to tournaments. I hate you." Addison growled.

 "I don't want to be you boyfriend anymore if it means I have to stay here. I promised Zoey that I would be at her first pep rally for cheer. Guess what? I couldn't go because I'm stuck with a loser girlfriend." Zed snarled.

 "You really are the freak I thought  you were when you were born." Dad laughed.

 "I aborted you once, I should have aborted you twice. You are a disgrace." Mom spat.

Then doctors dressed as clowns came dancing towards me. Mom, Dad, Zed and Addi suddenly became clowns and joined in the dancing. I frantically grabbed my trusty pocket knife and held it at my throat, blood spilling. Zed began to call to me in a spooky voice.

"Zaraaaaa. Zaraaaa. Zara! Zara!"

I woke up with a gasp. Mom, Dad, Zed, Addi, Bucky, Eliza, Bonzo and the Aceys were all around my bed, looking worried.

 "Zara, are you alright? You started to cut yourself in your sleep." Mom asked, holding my my bleeding limbs and the knife I kept for protection.

 "Oh Mom! I had a dream where Addi slapped my face and Zed wished he wasn't my boyfriend, doctors were clowns, Dad said I was the freak he first saw and you-you-" I burst into tears, " Y-you s-said that y-you w-wished you h-had a-aborted m-me t-twice."

 "Dear, we would never say or think that. We love you. Bucky, go get the first aid kit. Addi, water. Eliza and Bonzo, clear away all the clown decor." Mom instructed. 

Mom cleaned my cut and put a band-aid on it. Zed took away my knife and cleaned it. All the halloween decor of clowns were put away. I got lots of hugs from everyone. Then everyone went back to bed, except Zed.

 "Zed, do you really want to be with me? I mean, don't you wish you could be with Zoey and your dad?" I whispered.

"Yes, I miss them, but I would rather be with you." Zed whispered back.  (Anyone get that Descendants Wicked World reference?No?)

 "Really? I feel that with my illness, I'm taking a lot away from everyone." I said.

 "You're not taking anything from anyone. We are happy to help you and hope you get better soon." Zed assured me.

Zed kissed me and soon we fell asleep.

A/n: Sorry for the long wait. I was in California for a week, then when I came back, I started packing. We moved and just today did we get internet. Sorry it's short; it's late and I need sleep.

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