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 Here's an early update for you. I'm going to be gone all week on a vacay to California. Please enjoy!


Zara and Zed are back from Boston and I still haven't given Zara her surprise basket.

 "When will you give it to her?" Tracey asked me.

 "It better be before she goes back to Boston." Stacy nudged me. I remained silent.

 "Why haven't you given it to her?" Lacey asked.

"I don't know. I'm just scared-scared that she will reject, sacred that Zed will say 'It's all your fault she's suffering!' or Zara will say 'How could you Bucky? I trusted you. Addison trusted you. We all trusted you. And you made me have to fight for my life, which I could lose any day.'" I sighed.

The Aceys didn't really help. All they said was," She'll forgive you if you give the basket to her. It'll show that you care." Like that's supposed to make me feel better for what I have done.


 "Sooo...what do you want to do?" I asked my friends as we lounged in Addi's living room.

 "Oh for sure we have to go to the spa. Then go for coffee at Starbucks. Then go to Loft for some cute shirts. Then-" Addi began listing.

 "Addi, that's for you girls. What about us men?" Zed interrupted her.

 "We could play video games. Or football. Or visit school and drop off homework." Bonzo suggested.

 "Why don't you boys go do your things while us girls go to the spa?" I suggested.

The boys agreed and Eliza, Addi, and I went to the spa.

 "So, how are you feeling, girl?" Eliza asked me as a clerk prepared Eliza's hand for nail polish. 

 "To be honest, I feel like my life is being sucked away from me. I'm so tired from the frequent checkups and having to intake four full pages of medications. That's at least 30 medications! and I'm always in constant pain." I sighed.

 "Gosh. I knew I shouldn't have asked Bucky to make that cake. He most likely followed to recipe and didn't leave out the diary. I'm sorry you have to go through this." Addi said.

 "It's fine. I'm just glad that Zed hasn't killed Bucky yet." I slightly laughed.

 "Zed wanted to kill my boyfriend?!" Eliza exclaimed.

 "Yeah. And all because he's mad at him for putting me in this situation. But don't worry. I talked him out of it and hopefully he won't go full zombie." I said.

We continued to talk while getting our nails done. Eliza had black and violet. Addi had pink and floral designs. I had red and indigo. When we left, we met up with the boys.


After the girls left for the spa, Bonzo took us boys to the football field.

 "How's Zara?" Bonzo asked, throwing the ball at me.

 "Fine, except for the fact she's in constant pain, and looking half dead." I answered. I threw the ball to Bucky.

 "How are you?" Bucky asked.

 "Fine but I kinda miss being the star player on the football team." I cracked a smiled.

 "Zed, can I walk you through a hypothetical? What would you do if someone, who was the cause for your girlfriend's suffering, decided to give her a basket of some of her favorite things from home, foodwise and a get-well card?" Bucky asked hypothetically.

 "I would say thank you because I know that someone didn't really have intentions to make Zara suffer and Bucky, thank you." I replied.

 "H-how'd you know?!" Bucky gasped.

 "Zombies have mind-reading powers." Bonzo stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"R-really?" Bucky asked, not truly believing Bonzo.

 "Yes. But I heard you that day. I know why you followed us. And I forgive you for following us and making Zar suffer." I said.

 "Well then, here." Bucky said. 

Bucky handed me a basket with everything he described in it.

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