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One year later...


Zara and her family were over at our house for Christmas. This was the second Christmas they had joined us, since Zara's healing. Everyone was in a happy mood, but I was sort of in a happy-sad mood. I still memories of us have fun with baby Zille and Zoey. Zille had a unique smile. And I miss her. Right now Zara and I were in my room finishing wrapping some last-minute presents. 

 "Zed, are you thinking about her again?" Zara asked as she grabbed the tape.

 "Yeah. And every year it's harder to cope with because it's my fault. If I had just brought her in, she would still be here and she and Zoey would be having fun." I said sadly, wrapping the paper.

 "Zed. When are you going to stop saying that it's your fault? It's not your fault. You were ten and most ten years olds can't hold two babies at the same time. Plus they were one-year-olds, not newborns." Zara stated.

 "Yeah, but Mom died and Zillie disappeared. Who knows what could have happened? She could have been killed, some human could have put her in an orphanage; this was before humans and zombies were friends." I said, after seeing the confusion etched on Zara's face. 

 "Why don't we take a walk to Starbucks for some lattes? You need some away time." Zara suggested, putting down the present she was wrapping.

We went and got some lattes. When we were on our way back, I thought I heard someone singing. I followed the sound and saw some girls about ten years old singing Christmas carols. They were zombie girls and they were singing Christmas Canon, by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

(A/N:  words in  () are Zille or who is thought as Zille.)

Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas

the joy that he brings (Merry Christmas) the joy that he brings
(Merry Christmas) the joy that he brings
(Merry Christmas) the joy that he brings 

This night
We pray
Our lives
Will show

This dream
He had
Each child
Still knows

This night
We pray
Our lives
Will show 

This dream
He had
Each child
Still knows

This night
We pray
Our lives
Will show

This dream
He had
Each child
Still knows

This night
We pray
Our lives
Will show

This dream
He had
Each child
Still knows

On this night
On this night
On this very Christmas night

On this night
On this night
On this very Christmas night

On this night
On this night
On this very Christmas night

On this night
On this night
On this very Christmas night

On this night
On this night
On this very Christmas night

On this night
On this night
On this very Christmas night

On this night
On this night
On this very Christmas night

On this night
On this night
On this very Christmas nigh

One girl caught my attention. Her singing didn't catch me, her smile did. her smile looked almost like Zille's. She was singing the hard parts of the trio. She looked a lot like Zoey, and only zombies who are twins look alike. When they finished the song, the girls said goodbye to the owners and left. I called out to the one I thought was Zille.

 "Zille? Is that you?" 


After we finished singing, I noticed a teen boy had been watching us. I told my friends to wait for me as I went to talk to him. Something about him was strangely familiar, as if I had seen him before.

 "Yes? I am Zille. Who are you?" I answered his call.

 "I'm Zed Nedcrupuls. I had a sister by your name who disappeared when I was ten." He greeted.

 "Did she by any chance disappear after a truck came and killed the mom?" I asked, hoping my guess was right.

"Yes! How do you know?" He seemed pleased with my answer.

 "A nun at the orphanage I'm living at. She said I had an older brother by the name of Zed and that I was a twin. Are you my brother?

 "Why don't you come home with me and we can ask my dad?" Zed suggested.

I told my friends that I would be staying at Zed's house and to tell Sister Priscilla. A female zombie joined us as we began walking.

 "Zille, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Zara Hollows." Zed introduced me.

 "Hi?" I said, only, it sounded more like a question with my uncertainty.

 "You must be Zillie! Zed has told me so much about you! And he can't stop blaming himself for the death of your mom and for you disappearing." Zara smiled, then lowered her voice to a whisper for the last part.

 "Really?" I asked, surprised. I never knew my disappearance would cause so much pain. So we arrived at a brick house.

 "Yeah, it's true. Here we are. The humble home of the Nedcrupuls'." Zed said with a smile.


 "Dad! Zara and I are back. And we have a visitor." I called out.

 "Oh, really? Who is it?" Dad asked, walking into the living room.

 "We ran into someone who Zed thinks is Zille." Zara briefly explained.

 "Zille? Can it really be her after these ten years?" Dad asked in disbelief.

 "Hi! I'm Zille. A nun at the orphanage I'm living at told me that I had a family. Is it true?" Zillia announced.

 "What did she exactly say to you?" Dad asked.

 "She said, 'Child, your name is Zille Nedcrupuls and you have a family. I don't know where they live but they wanted us to tell you. Your mother died after being hit by a truck. You disappeared. You have an older brother named Zed and you have a twin sister named Zoey. If you ever run into someone of that name, it's probably your family.'" Zillie quoted.

 "She told you this just recently, right?" Dad asked.

 "Yes. I assume she waited until I was of age to tell me the truth." Zille answered.

 "So they did tell you! I'm glad I decided to send that letter to that orphanage. Tomorrow we'll all go and tell them we found you." Dad grinned.

 "Zille! I'm so so so so so happy to have you back! Zoey! Come down! There's someone you need to meet!" Zed beamed.

"Hi!" Zoey smiled once she joined us in the living room.

 "Zoey, this is your long lost twin sister, Zille." I introduced her.

 "Really! I'm finally meeting my sister! Zille, we have lots to catch up on. Like ten years' worth of stuff." Zoey grinned.

Everyone was happy, but not as much as me. I finally know that Zille is alive and now can be a part of our family again. And I can stop thinking that she's gone for good and maybe, just maybe that accident was for a good cause. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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