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 "Bucky, is that you?" Zed softly called out. 

I stayed as still as I could. 

 "Hmm. Must have been a doctor passing by. Though I could have sworn I heard Bucky's voice." Zed muttered as he headed back into the room. He took a final look outside, before shutting the door.

*Time skip to 2 months later. Bucky hasn't given her surprize basket yet because he's a chicken.*


It's day three in the second month for Zara being on medications. She's been in constant pain and keeps asking when her next medication dose is. I wish I could take the pain away. 

 "Zed, whatcha thinking about?" Zara asked. I turned to face her.

 "When we get home, I'm gonna kill Bucky. You shouldn't have to go through this." I growled.

 "Zed, don't kill him. Addison will be crushed and I don't want a murderous boyfriend." Zara requested. 

 "How can I say no to you, Zar?" I sighed and smiled at her.

 "Because I'm cute and deeply in love with you?" Zara grinned.

 "Stop! You're making me blush from your cheesiness!" I laughed.

 "Well, I can be you cheezy girl." Zara smileed.

Just then the doc came in to take Zara to another test. I watch as Zara leaves. She looks so fragile and just looking at her, her face looks like all the tests and medications are sucking her life out.


The doctor says I'm stable enough to go home for a month. Finally I can go home, see our friends and not be bothered by all the frequent doctor visits.

"Zed! Pack your bag and book us a flight to Seabrook!" I announced as I returned to my room after another test.

 "Why? Wait, let me guess...they said-" Zed smiled as he began to fit the pieces together.

"We can go home for a month!" I cheered.

 "I was gonna say that! Let's go!" Zed laughed.

We checked out at the front desk, where Zed was given my medications all put onto four pages. That's the bad thing, I still have to take the medications. But we get to see our families and friends again, so that's no problem. 


Zara_girl26: Addi, guess what!

Addison_cheerchamp: What?!

Young_Z: We're coming home!

Zara_girl26: For a month!

Addison_cheerchamp: I will meet u at the airport! I've missed you! Heck, everyone did!

We were meet with a whole crowd of people. Addison had invited Bonzo, Eliza, Bree, the Aceys, Bucky, Mom and Dad, Mr. Nedcroplus, and Zoey. I ran for a big group hug. Man, it's good to be home.

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