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I packed up for our trip. I had all my pjs, and comfy pants and shirts, plus other necessary clothing. I was ready. I heard a knock at the door. Mom opened it and called me down.

 "Zara! It's Zed!"

 "Good morning Mrs. Hollower! I'm here to take Zara to school." Zed smiled. I was going to school one last time before we had to leave for Massachusetts.

 "That's very nice of you. Zara, I want you to make sure you give your email or your phone number to all your teachers. I don't want you to fall behind on schoolwork while you have your treatment." Mom reminded.

 "Mom! I know! I'm gonna miss you." I smiled as I gave her one last hug and kiss.

We said bye since we were leaving for the airport right after school.

*At school*

 "Ah, Zara. We will miss you in class. We all hope you will be able to come back soon, fully healed." Mrs. Lulu, my English teacher said.

"I hope you will be able to keep up with the class, Miss Hollower. Come back soon. Zed, this applies to you too." Mr. Larson, my Geometry teacher said.

 "Too bad you will miss our classes. We will be dissecting a frog, owl doo, an Isopod and many more. But I don't want you to be any more sick than you are." Mrs. Morrison, my Science teacher joked.

"I will miss my star student. if you are able, please come back ready to be my star student again." Mr. Crossman, my History teacher requested. I told him I would.

"Our volleyball team, Basketball team, Baseball team, and really all our teams will be charging $5 per person so you will have more than enough for your treatment. That includes our next home game, which will be a WhiteOut to Wipe out pseudo-obstruction motility disorder." Mrs. Lunge, my P.E. teacher told me. I thanked her.

At lunch Zed and I broke the news to our group.

 "Guys. We have something important to tell you." Zed began.

 "You and Zara are getting married?" Lacey guessed.

 "Lacey, Zed's only 16 and Zara's 15. They can't get married." Bucky deadpanned.

 "We are leaving for Boston. We'll be gone almost of the school year." I told them.

"You mean for treatment?" Addi asked. 

 "Yes." Zed answered for me.

 "Why does Zed get to go too?" Bucky asked. 

 "Zed promised my parents that he would stay by my side till the very end and I'm healed." I said.

 "What do you have?" Bonzo asked. Eliza sighed.

"Bonzo! Again? How many times do I have to go over this with you!?" Eliza chided.

 "Eliza,it's okay. I have pseudo-obstruction motility disorder. That means my body isn't able to process food the whole way." I laughed, then explained. 

 "We'll miss you. But we'll keep you posted with everything that's going on here." Addi smiled and hugged me.

After school, Zed and I boarded our flight for Boston.

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