Moment Of Truth

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Aliyah's POV

After an amazing 3 weeks with Trey we decided to come back home from our lil vacation. I came back with a whole different attitude. I still felt a little guilty that me and August had a moment at the party but I'll get over it.

I walked into work greeting my co-worker. "Goodmorning Trina, do I have any missed calls?"

She looked up at me. " Hey baby girl , and no, no missed calls but you're 9 o'clock is here. "

"Okay send them in." I replied sweetly.


This session went really well like I really felt like I was getting through to people, it made me smile to see that I was helping someone else. As I sat there reminiscing  Trina walked in. 

"Um, you have a walk in."  I suddenly felt sick, and was about to say no, but I just replied. "Give me 10 minutes"

I went to the bathroom throwing up constantly. I didn't know what was going on. I'm hoping I'm not pregnant but I'll stop at the clinic after work to be sure.

I walked back in my office sitting down and waited, 5 minutes later I hear the door open. I look up and to my suprise its Trey.

I didn't know what to say so I just sat there looking at him.

"Well hello to you to. " he smirked killing the silence.

" Hey, what are you doing here?"

"I needed advice, and I hear your the miracle worker. "

I was about to get up not wanting to mix business with personal but I thought about it and wanted to hear what he had to say.

"I guess, what seems to be the problem? " he looked at me then sat back.

"Well doc, there's this girl and I really like her I mean I love her actually, I wanna move foward in our relationship but she just finds little stuff to keep us back. How do I get her to trust me?"

I looked up from my notepad. "Well have you given her a reason not to trust you?"

He stopped and thought for a second. "No , well at least I don't think I have."

I sighed. " Well Mr Songz, women and men have different midsets and you have to understand that there's some things she's not gonna agree with, you just gotta listen to her, and try to compromise."

He smiled. "Damn you are good."

I looked down at my notepad and started to write. "I know, but you have to go I have more appointments waiting. "

He got up ready to leave then turned around. "Oh , I forgot I have one more question."

I looked confused. " Which is....?"

"Aliyah Marie will you marry me?"

I was so shocked. I couldn't believe it, it was as if my heart had dropped, I never would have excepted him to say that.

I was beyond stunned. "Trey I-" I stopped and started to feel sick again like I was about to throw up.

"I'll be back. "

I went to the bathroom and sure enough I threw up. This was crazy I was starting to believe I was actually pregnant and then a thought crossed my mind, but who do I tell?

I walked back in my office. "I'm sorry about that, I think I caught a bug or something. "

"Its okay, I understand." he said taking that as my answer and started to walk out.

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