Baby Shower

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Aliyah's POV

* At my baby shower *

"Wow this place looks amazing Sam." I commented.

"Glad you like it the shit cost me a arm and a leg." Sam joked. I mugged her and picked up my punch from off the table until Sam swatted my hand away.

"Fuck you do that for?" I give her a confused look.

"You not bout to mess up that white no ma'am uh uh." She said giggling a little. I smacked my teeth and wobbled over to an empty table not wanting to be bothered at the time.

Then the last person I expected to see walked in. We met eyes and he walked to my table smiling.

"Hey." I smiled widely.

"Wassup gobblin." He smiled pulling me into a hug. 

"I'm surprised you came." I said shocked.

"Me too." He murmured. " Anyways where's the man of the hour?" He asked referring to Trey.

"Um I don't know and honestly don't care!" I restored. After the way he's been acting lately I don't want him around me or my kids.

"Now Aliyah.." Rashad started I sighed already knowing where he was finna go with this conversation. "If he shows he shows, if not it won't affect me." Rashad put his hands up in surrendence.

The rest of the time Rashad didn't leave my side and I liked it, it made me get my mind of shit for awhile. Then it was time for me to open gifts.

I walked onstage and grabbed the mic. "First of all I wanna thank god for blessing with these beautiful lives." I started. "In a few months, MY BABIES WILL OFFICIALLY BE BORN." I squealed. Causing everyone to chuckled. Then I felt fingers tap me.

Then I was faced with the last person I wanted to see before I could whisper something to him he snatched the mic out of my hands.

"Excuse her rachetness." He chuckled, " But thanks again for coming we really appreciate each and everyone of you. But there's one thing I gotta do before I wrap my speech up." I was already giving him this crazy look he was just making me express it on my face. "I really wanna thank this girl right here next to me for giving me the best things that could possibly happen to me and I always love you for that no matter what we may endure you always gone be my baby." Trey smiled pulling me into a hug, suprisingly I hugged back letting his good odors invade my nose.

This moment felt so right but I just wasn't ready to forgive him yet. I finally let go and looked out into the crowd where everybody was glaring at us. I walked off stage before it got anymore awkward.

"That was a great speech." Rashad said with amusement in in voice.

"It was....something." I shrugged it off. Rashad laughed and we started talking about things until Trey walked up.

"Aliyah, can I talk to you?" Trey said catching me off guard. I hesitated but got up.

"Wassup?" I started.

"How are you? Its been a minute, how's the babys?" Trey asked seriously concerned.

"They're fine, we're fine." I rolled my eyes at the conversation.

"Well I just wanted to check on y'all." Trey said walking away.

"Trey wait.." He stopped in his tracks. "I miss you," I sighed feeling a little humiliated.

Trey slightly smiled and walked towards me and lifted my head. "I miss you too." He smiled in my face.

"How? You don't wanna be no where near me," I rolled my eyes.

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