Chapter 1

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                                                                                        Chapter 1

As he enters the food store, Marc had just one thing in mind, buy himself a pack of beers and get the hell out of there. He was in no mood to deal with anyone. He had a very bad day and anyone that had crossed his path thus far had learned the hard way. As he walks down the aisle, with his eyes on the stands, he paid no attention to his steps, until he collided with another body.

Jenny was tired, her feet were sore, she had been wearing heels all day doing errands for her now ex-patron. She was the assistant of the CEO of the Arlinc company and the guy was a brute. Quitting had been in her mind for quite a while and today she finally sums up the courage to do so. Now she was out shopping for ice cream as she contemplates the rest of the night and her future. She stands in front of the freezer oblivious to her surrounding as she reads the different flavors on display. She didn't notice the man blindly approaching her until he collided into her.

"Ouch," says Jenny as she feels the impact and loses her footing. She closes her eyes and braces herself as she feels her body fall on the ground, but for some reason, she never reached the floor. Timidly, she opens her eyes to see herself been held by a stranger that had the most beautiful greyish eyes she has ever seen. A gasps escape her as she gazes at him and wonders if she had suddenly walk into a movie platform.

Marc felt his body hitting another body and with quick reflexes, he held on to the petite body stopping her from falling on the ground. The moment, his arms snakes around her, he felt his body reaction, his heartbeat increased as goosebumps take over his skin. Her eyes were closed, her breathing elevated and he could feel her body tensing up as she prepares for impact. For a few short seconds, he studies her feature, unable to look away. He brought her closer to him, without realizing so, willing her to open her eyes, as if his prayer was heard, she opens her eyes and all the air in his lungs evaporated as he stares into her hazel eyes.

All senses of the time were lost as he studies her features, he saw her gasps and saw her confuse expression. She licks her lips and his eyes follows the movement and the sudden urges to taste her lips took over. The pull he suddenly felt toward this woman was unexplainable, and unable to help himself he drew closer and closer. He saw her eyes widening, that should have stop him knowing what he was going to do was wrong, but he didn't care, for he was Marc Bloomfield and what he wants he gets and with this last thought, he crashes his mouth against hers.

Seen as she was in the arms of a handsome stranger, Jenny was grateful that he had caught her, it was not every day that a girl like her will get to be caught in the embrace of a handsome man. However, she became quite uncomfortable as the man, made no move to let her go. Instead, the way he was watching her, had siren going inside of her head. 'Wait a minute" she thought, this was no romantic movie where the girl fell into a man's embrace and he gets to sweep her off her feet. 'No way' she thought. Just as she was about to remove herself from his embrace, she saw him draw closer and before she knows it, a small grin appears on his lips and before she had time to comprehend it, he crashes his mouth on hers.

At first Jenny was slow to react as her body froze and her brain stopped working. She was being kiss by a total stranger? A complete handsome stranger just stole her very first kiss and she was not reacting, oh hell no.

Seen as she didn't react to his kiss, Marc took the opportunity to draw her closer to his heated body and urging her to kiss him back, but all that backfired on him for the woman in his arms bit his lower lips. The way she bit him, he was sure to bleed. He quickly steps back and held on to his lips and just as he thought he was bleeding. Shock, he looks at the woman and wasn't prepared for what came next. She hit him where it was sure to hurt, pain shot on his lower stomach and he stumble over with a big "O" on his face. To his surprise the woman wasn't done there, she grabs a bag of chips and threw it at him, next he was hit with a pack of cooking powder and many other things that he didn't know about as he tries to protect himself from the fury in front of him.

Jenny was mad, she was super pissed, the man had no right to kiss her, she felt violated and was out for blood. He was going to pay for what he just did and whatever she could find was thrown toward the man. Somewhere inside of her brain, a voice told her to stop with her madness that he had enough but the feel of his lips linger on hers and she just couldn't control her tantrum. Just when she picks up a bottle of champagne to throw, someone grabs her hands and held unto her body.

"Let me go, let me go, I say let me go, I need to teach the pervert a lesson, how dare he violate me"

"Ma'am if you don't calm down, I will have to call the police" says the stranger

"Then call the police, he needs to be arrested" says Jenny as she points toward the man on the floor who was been tended to by another man and a lady.

Jenny didn't realize that she had gathered quite a crowd until she looks at her surrounding, she detangles herself from the stranger that was holding on to her and looks toward the man that was on the floor. She swallows her owns spit as she sees blood on the man clothes and realized that she was screwed and her heartbeat increased even more as she hears the siren. 

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