Chapter 1

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-Percy POV-

2 months. Annabeth went missing 2 months ago. I have been searching for so long that I can't go on anymore, Hades keeps telling me that Annabeth isn't dead but I know by now he's most likely lying to save my sanity.

I decided that if Annabeth is probably dead so why don't I die. So in the middle of the night I stole a rope from the docks and headed to the woods.

As I was sobbing quietly while tying the rope around a tree when I heard someone behind me. "Perseus?" the voice said, it was a guy, a really low kind of smooth voice, "Perseus what are you doing?"

"What does it look like. Annabeth is dead and I know it, I'm going to go and join her." I turned around so I could face the man and what I saw wasn't what I suspected.

His eyes were like galaxies and his skin was so dark I wasn't able to see when he ended and the darkness of the forest began, "Perseus, don't do this. Annabeth isn't dead. She is just lost... Here's a thought, what if I help you get back on your feet. I could use my powers to make it look like you died here. While camp is mourning their loss, you could be starting a new life, helping a friend of mine."

"Where would I go, who am I helping, will I need a whole new identity?" I asked intrigued by the mysterious man's offer.

"Arizona, I would like you to help a close friend of mine, a son of Erebus, and yes, you might want to change your identity since, you know, people will think your dead," The man said with a toothy grin. I was worried that it might be a trap, and a son of Erebus? I thought only gods could have demigod kids not titans. But it is my only option, and he said that Annabeth is still out there, "Okay, let's do this."


"Alright once you enter the portal I will create an illusion to make a dead body look like you. When you come to you will be in a place called the Galaxy Garrison, look for Officer Shirogane, he's the son of Erebus I was talking about." As he finished explaining a black portal with purple sparkles appeared , 'Okay, he we go' I thought. Just before I walked through I asked one final question, "Who are you?"

"Chaos. Creator of the Universe."

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