Chapter 5

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-Keith POV-The night Voltron began-

Today was the day, the day that something big would happen, something with the drawings. I got on my hoverbike and as soon as I did I saw something falling out of the sky, looked through my binoculars and saw a ship... But it wasn't a Garrison ship, and no Garrison pilots can be out this late.

I crashed outside the Garrison, I bet that was the thing I was looking for. So I set up a diversion at the perimeter of the school and waited. Boom, Well then let's go.

I beat up the two people in the main room and saw someone on the table. I moved his chin and saw "Shiro" I said, I pulled out my knife, I found it somewhat... calling to me in the house. I cut his restraints and started to carry him out when I heard someone walk in.

"Nope. No you don't no no no no no no I'm saving Shiro." I guy that I didn't even know says, as he carries the other side of Shiro. "And who are you?" I ask wanting him to leave me alone.

"Uh, the name's Lance." He says and is acting like a total douche, I mean what does he except hear his name and get on my knees and bow. I don't think so buddy.

"Let's just get out of here."

------------(Normal Voltron Scene)

"Hey, it's good to have you back," I say to Shiro as I go to stand next to him. "It feels good to be back," He tells me, "But how have you been, you and Veronica still a thing?" he asks and elbows me in a sort of 'ah ah' gesture.

"Nope. After I left the Garrison we decided to split, but don't talk about her at all, her little brother is in there and I don't want him to know." I say pointing to the house.

"Alright then," He chuckled, "has anything else happened like to do with your dad's side?" I recall back to the last time I actually acknowledged Poseidon as a dad. "No, not since you left, I have been getting weird dreams but hey even leaving camp can't stop those so."

"How did you know to come find me?"

"Well, you might want to come see this," I say as I lead him to the house.

------------(normal Voltron scene)

"Yep, these are the drawings," I say as we enter the cave. Lance walks over one of the drawings and reaches to touch it, as he does though...

"Whoa...," He says but it soon turns it a scream for help as all of us fall into a pool of water.

Wait... I can't be in water!!! My dad will sense my aura and know I'm alive. I got out of that water like I was a cat. I was facing the other way when I heard everyone else say "Wow..."

Uhhh so if your reading this story you probably have seen all of Voltron. Because I don't want to write all 7 seasons before we get to the actual meat of this story I will be fast forwarding a lot for the next chapter!!!!

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