Chapter 15

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-Chapter 15-Keith POV-

"Percy... No this can't be real!" Jason said almost in tears. I guess seeing your best friend and basically brother who you thought commited suicide ALIVE is pretty groundbreaking.

"Jason... it's really me. I... I didn't die. Chaos saved me."


"Yes... now just let me explain."


"So you aren't a demigod? Your an alien?" He asked.

"Yes. Please swear it on the river Styx that you won't tell anyone especially Annabeth," I tell him and he swears.

"Now come on we've been here so long that people are going to start assuming that you're cheating on Piper."


'Hey girl, I'm back!' I told the Black Lion, most people think that she is a big scary lion because she's the leader, actually she is like a mother to me and the rest of the lions.

I got into my normal clothes, I've been in my armour basically all day, and lay down to sleep.

*2 hours later*

"Kogane... yes... him... Jackson... now..." I heard someone talking in and out with my sleep. It was like 10 or 11 at night. No one would be up this late... let alone talking to me.

Soon I wake fully with a start to feel a cold hand go over my mouth. I try and yell for help but of course, it didn't work. My eyes adjusted to the darkness of my lion to see my captor.

Sendak himself.


Hey so I know that I haven't been posting as often as I should but I have good reasons. 1) School. I'm in Orchestra (Cello thnx for asking) and also taking three high school credits, though I'm not in high school yet. 2) Binge-watching. My friends have gotten me into a TON of shows and I'm now addicted to Sleepy Hollow. 3) WRITERS BLOCK IS A DEMON AND IT FOLLOWS ME EVERYWHERE. 

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