Chapter 8

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-Keith POV-

"Percy... I miss him so much. Yes if you can take me back that would be great! But is there a way that I can still talk with my resistance sector, I would want to stay involved even from Earth," She said tearing up at the thought of me being at camp.

I could reveal myself now and live happily with her, but no. I can't go back to that life I lived, that whole part of my life was a lie created by Poseidon, he took me from the life I could have had. "Yes. Pidge can modify your tracker so it can still work even on Earth."

"Alright, thank you so much! I can't wait to go home!"


"Alright here's your modified tracker it will work even on Earth." Pidge said handing the tracker to her.

"The coordinates for New York are set you just have to sit back and of course look out for any Galra fleets, though none should be on that course." Coran said

She was about to get into the pod, "Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!" she basically screamed, wow she really wanted to get home, "I can't wait to see my friends again."

She got into the pod and it started up, the pod flew out and everyone left. But I stayed there watching the pod until she was almost gone. Everyone was already heading to the control room, so I knew no one was looking at me, I removed Shiro's glamour.

"I'm so sorry for what awaits you back home."


-Camp Half-Blood-3rd POV-

All of Camp Half-Blood were at dinner, all of the campers were happy, The Hermes cabin were playing jokes on the Ares cabin, and the Hunters were about to kill some of the Apollo kids.

Everything was peaceful until they saw something getting closer, from above the clouds. Jason Grace, son of Zeus, stood up from eating and flew up to see what it was, he came back down as all the other campers were getting up, scared of what he could have possibly seen. "It's some sort of spaceship, I don't know what it is for, so everyone stay calm." Jason said to the whole camp.

The ship landed close to the border, though still on the outside of camp. Everyone ran to the border as fast as they could, the rest of the Seven were in the front of the group, ready to fight.

The campers, not knowingly, held their breath, as the cockpit door almost disintegrated, like a hologram. And the person to come out, they could not see clearly because of a mask shielding their face. Though slowly the unknown being took the mask off...

"Hey guys, oh boy, do I have a story to tell."

A Paladins PastOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz