Chapter 12

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-Chapter 12-Keith POV-

Yep. That's mine.

"Well, he made a good plan." I told her, though Lance and Pidge were very, very confused, "What's wrong, I thought that he was going to be here when you got back?"

"I found out that Percy died while I was gone. After I disappeared he became depressed and killed himself," She said through sobs.

"I'm so sorry," Lance said, he was comforting her while Pidge and I were looking at the plan.

Lance got Annabeth to calm down fast, 'wow he's good at that' I thought. We were just talking about the plan. Annabeth had just started planning with us when we heard our worst fears coming true.

The conch shell horn going off three times...

An attack.


We ran as fast as we could to the border, the whole camp was soon joining us, I saw people moving to the front, soon enough I noticed it was the rest of the Seven, if only they knew that we were back together again.

Our enemy wasn't a monster it was the galra, Sendak wasn't there but his commander Throck was. "Paladins of Voltron... oh this will be good.

And we charged.

I was fighting with my back to Annabeth, I guess she still liked to fight with someone. I was trying to call my lion to me, though it wasn't working. I was too concentrated on fighting.

Throck moved to the back of the army, the coward. Soon enough though the army was gone and Throck was left alone.

"Half-Breed, you can not defeat me."

"I can still try." I charged, it was like a duel everyone was watching us fight.

Throck was a good fighter I will say that I was just using my bayard though soon he got it out of my hand. I had to switch to my Marmora blade. Soon into the battle, he had me pinned to the ground, I couldn't get up.

Oh no, oh no, oh no. I knew what I needed to do to survive though it would totally blow my cover.

Though if I didn't do it I would die at the hands of Throck. I grabbed for a weapon that I haven't used nor seen for nine years.

Slowly while Throck was trying to decapitate me I slid a ballpoint pen out of the hidden pocket in my armor.

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