Chapter 7

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-Keith POV- Around the time that Pidge finds Matt

"Alright so I was able to hack into some feeds from a market on the planet Traxia and found out some rebels went through there," Pidge says standing in front of the holo-screen in the control room, "and I found this." She pulls up a feed from a few years ago, it showed rebels with a human kid! Wait a second... MATT!

"Isn't that your brother Matt?" I ask trying to keep my cool. She nods "and that's not all, a feed from the opposite side of this resistance member shows that they took a second human, but it's not my dad."

"That's impossible!" I say as I look into the holo-screen to see a face I haven't seen in five years.


"Keith, you know her?" Lance asks obviously intrigued by my sudden confusion. "I should. Blonde hair, gray eyes. I haven't seen that face in five years," I chuckle, "Everyone meet Annabeth Chase my ex-girlfriend, Ex because she disappeared not because we broke up."


"Don't worry, we'll be safe Shiro," I say as Pidge and I get into our lions to go look for Matt and Annabeth.  "I'll contact you if anything gets out of hand."

"Just be safe Keith."

"Alright I'll go after Annabeth you got Matt?" I ask sarcastically. "Of course."


I hope Pidge's mission is easy because mine was a little difficult. First I had to find the resistance member who took her, then find out where she is now.

"Here's her resistance code. I hope you find her and you should know that this sector of the resistance will always be by your side." Tracky told me, she was the one in the footage with Annabeth while someone else was with Matt.

"Thank you Tracky, this will help me so much!" I tell her and I get back into my lion to leave.

Her tracker is set to a resistance outpost in a far corner of the galaxy that I'm in, alright Annabeth, I'm coming.


"Hello?" I ask out into the darkness, "is anyone there," The whole base seemed to be empty. As soon as my feet touch the bottom thanks to my jetpack, I was able to see more and I saw a person with a mask over their face.

"Who are you?" The person asked, I thought that it might be Annabeth so I was about to hug her when I remembered that I look and sound different. She doesn't know Keith she knows Percy.

"I am Keith Kogane, a paladin of Voltron, I came to find Annabeth Chase."

"Voltron!?" She took off her mask, it was her. "I'm Annabeth Chase, Keith I don't understand why do you need to look for me?"

"We have reasons to believe that you were taken from Earth against your will by the Galra. And we would like to take you back. If you wanted of course." I said and she looked confused as to why we would care about her, wow she has been through a lot, yet again, so have I...

"Um... yeah I um I was on Earth before all of this. I was taken in the night from my summer camp. But why would the Paladins of Voltron care? You guys should be worrying about more important things like stopping the Galra."

I knew exactly what to say...

"Almost all of the Paladins are from Earth and when we left a few people were looking for you around our home. The name Percy ring a bell?"

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