Chapter 16

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After my conversation with Keith, or should I call him Percy? Anyway after that whole thing I was basically on edge all day after that and I couldn't sleep at all. Just thinking about what Percy had learned and probably how much he hated the gods and camp now, and just the fact that he has been going through the universe, still saving lives. It's honestly insane to think about.

Though I still couldn't sleep so I decided to sneak out and head to Keith's lion.

Nico taught me a little bit about how to hide in shadows so when I heard voices coming from inside the lion, that didn't sound friendly I hid.

It was the Galra.

I think Annabeth called him Sendak, he was kidnapping Keith!


I waited until they left. I knew I couldn't take on four Galrans alone. Once they were gone I ran to the Big House.

"Chiron! Mr. D!"

"Jason... what is it? What's wrong?"

"It's Keith! I... I was heading to his lion to tell him something and... and the Galra they took him!"

Chiron called a meeting with the counselors and the paladins, most of them were annoyed that they had to be woken up but once I told them about Keith they seemed to sober up quickly.

"Why didn't you try and help him!" Pidge yelled.

"I couldn't take on four Galrans alone and if I did then you would have lost your strongest Paladin and your strongest demigod."

Everyone seemed to shut up at that point. As much as they wanted to disagree they were all too tired to argue. The counselors and Paladins were all silently thinking about what to do.

"We could go back to the Garrison. Get the other Paladins and come back with the force of Voltron to take down Sendak's ship," Pidge started, "If only we knew how to navigate those tunnels that Keith used."

"What tunnels?" Annabeth asked.

"Keith used a series of tunnels to get us here. I have know idea how they could possibly work, we were at the Garrison and then in only a matter of hours we were here!"

'The Labyrinth!' I thought to myself. If Per- Keith was able to navigate the Labyrinth then he must be completely mortal now. I decided to voice my realization.

"The Labyrinth?"

"That's what I was thinking. He must have known from Shiro being a demigod, mortals can navigate the Labyrinth without problem," Annabeth said, talking with her hands.

Soon though an Iris-Message popped up next to my head. It was showing a prison cell. Keith and someone else were chained next to each other. Annabeth and Chiron both gasped.

The message ended soon after that. Annabeth and Chiron looked at each other. Though Chiron spoke first.

"That man... next to Keith was... Chaos."

Then Annabeth.

"They are in Tartarus." 

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