Chapter 2

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-Percy POV-

It was all darkness. All around me. For a second I thought Chaos was lying until, I heard someone talking, "I just found him in the desert, he was muttering about somewhere he calls camp."

I started to feel my limbs again, so I decided to open my eyes though the light above me was to bright, I had to cover my eyes with my hands. "Oh you're awake! Now who are you and why were you on Garrison property." A man with only one eye open, asked me.

"Uh, I'm looking for a man named Officer Shirogane. My name is... Keith. Keith Kogane." I said remembering the new name Chaos gave me. He looked at me weirdly before saying "Wait here Kogane" and leaving the room. Leaving me with a young girl, probably the one who found me, she had short brown hair and glasses. I was getting tired of the silence so I decided to make conversation, "So... I'm guessing you were the one who found me?" she looked surprised to see me talking to her, "Oh, um yeah. I was doing a training exercise and just found you there. My name is Veronica, I'm a cadet. FYI Commander Iverson is pretty stern so try not to make him mad."


Veronica and I kept talking for about 3 minutes and I could tell she was going to be a good friend if I stayed here. Though after those 3 minutes Commander Iverson came back in with a man wearing the same uniform as Iverson. He had lighter black hair with some sort of weird middle bangs. Honestly he looked like those anime boys on a show I saw Piper watching once. "This is Officer Takashi Shirogane. You wanted to see him. Why?" Iverson asked, 'of course he's suspicious' I thought to myself.

"I'm a family friend. I knew his dad pretty well when I was younger, he was almost like an uncle to me at times." I said giving Takashi a look of 'we need to talk privately'. "What do you need... Keith?" he said through gritted teeth.

"Grandpa sent me. To see how your doing."

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