Chapter 3

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-Shiro POV-

I was not looking forward to going to see whoever Iverson was taking me to see. I had to leave the speech I was giving to the new cadets for this so it must be important.

When we got to the room I saw a boy sitting on a bed, Iverson asked why he wanted to see me, "I'm a family friend. I knew his dad pretty well when I was younger, he was almost like an uncle to me at times." the boy said giving me a serious look. He knew about my dad? He knew about my dad!!!

"What do you need... Keith," I say trying to remember the boy's name. "Grandpa sent me to see how your doing." he said with finality.

"Well I'm almost done with work. Give me about 10 minutes then we can head back to my place." I said with a sneaky grin.


Once I finished my final sign out sheets for leaving today I grabbed 'Keith' if that was his real name, and we got in my car and left. On the way home is when I questioned him.

"So Keith, if that is even your real name. How do you know my dad, let alone my grandfather?"

"Well one, Keith isn't my real name and I won't tell you my real one. I am trying to leave my old life behind me. Two, your grandfather, Chaos, was the one who sent me here. Technically, he saved my life," He said looking out the window, "I know your a son of Erebus so you can put down the whole 'interrogation' thing. I already know you Takashi."

"How did he save your life, and if you know about Erebus then what are you?"

"My dad is Poseidon. And Chaos saved my life because right before he gave me the offer to come see you, and start a new life here. I was going to uh... off myself," Keith explained.

Wow. Wow was all I could think. All I could say. He was going to commit suicide for gods know what, and Chaos saved him... and sent him to me? Why? "Uh well, if I am going to help you start a new life, you can call me Shiro. And did Chaos mention why he sent you to me?"

"No clue."

"Well I guess that you have already made an appearance at the Garrison and you would need a place to go... I could enroll you into the cadet program. I just need to know one more thing... Did... Chaos make it look like you did what you were trying to do?" I said sheepishly trying not to sound scared, but honestly I was terrified. A son of the Big Three is suicidal and is going to most likely live with me for the next few weeks. Could the Fates be anymore cruel?


"Great I need to use a spell to change your looks. Sea-green eyes? Super mega sign of ocean heritage." I said thinking of all the different glamours I have perfected for some friends.

"Alright well, let's do this again, Hi, I'm Keith Kogane ex- son of Poseidon." he said holding his hand out to me when we got out of my car.

"Takashi Shirogane or just Shiro, son of Erebus."

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