Chapter 6

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So uh we're in season two now and Keith (Percy) just found out he was Galra!

-Keith POV-

Uh so I'm an alien. I don't know how but I am, I could tell as soon as I got back to the castle that Allura was not excited to hear the news so I just headed to my room to contemplate my options.

Though when I got there I saw someone who I haven't seen in 3 and a half years, on that fateful night. "Lord Chaos, what are you doing here?" I say as I bow.

"Perseus or should I say Keith, I see you have fulfilled what I wanted you to fulfill." He said and laughed at my confusion. "Keith is fine my lord but what do you mean, you said I needed to help Shiro, even though he seemed fine?"

"That was just something to get you there. I did this so you would know who you really are. You are not a demigod but a half-Galran person. Poseidon stole you from your parents when you were very young, from your real father."

Of course. Of course. This explains everything, why I was drawn to that house, the knife, why never fit in everywhere, even camp. "Who are my real parents?"

"John Kogane and your mother is yet to be known," he said, "and yes Keith is your real name not a fake that I created for you." and with that Chaos disappeared. Leaving me with my thoughts... not the best idea with the info I just learned, I had to go get Shiro.

"Oh, hi Keith," Allura said to me as I entered the lounge, it looks like they were talking about some agreement. "Hey, Allura. Can I uh... Borrow Shiro for a minute. I really need to talk to him."

"Sure Keith let's go," Shiro said getting up and I instantly headed to the only safe place I could think of... my room duh. "Alright Keith, now your... Galra. But even I don't know how it happened though I assume by the look on your face you know something."

"Yep. When we got back from the Marmora base I came here and saw Chaos. He told me that the reason I went to the Garrison wasn't to help you, it was to spite Poseidon. Because I actually was taken from my real father when I was a baby. I was taken by Poseidon. My real name is Keith, not what I thought it was." I said still not telling him my not-so real name. I can't handle this right now so I decide to go train. But before I can head out the door Shiro grabs my shoulder.

"Wait. I at least want to know what your old name was. I will still call you Keith, but I just want to know."

"Percy. Percy Jackson."

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