Chapter 17

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-Chapter 17-3rd POV-

Everyone sitting around the ping pong table were in shock, Chaos? Tartarus? Though the Paladins didn't know what to say, Lance and Pidge didn't know what they were talking about. Jason saw their distress and explained, "Chaos is the Creator of the Universe, and Tartarus, his son is a person and a place. It's the worst and darker part of the Underworld."

Lance and Pidge nodded, understanding the severity of the situation. "So, what do we do?" Lance said, not looking like his normal care-free self. He was ready, he wanted to save Keith and Chaos, Lance was determined.

"Anything we can."


"Keith... Keith... Keith," Chaos was calling to Keith, who was chained by his ankle. Keith started to wake and groaned from a splitting headache, "Chaos? What... Happened?"

"You were captured and taken into Tartarus, he didn't hurt you as soon as you got here so he has a plan for you."

"Great..." Keith said sitting up, taking a deep breath, "Do you think he'll kill us?"

"Hell if I know."

"I hope he does. I can't go back to that Camp again."


Everyone was preparing to find a way to save Keith, everyone was ready for a War, though, only few were strong enough to fight.

Everything was ready, everyone is prepared.

That's what they thought anyway, that is until Tartarus himself marched into Camp Half-Blood, breaking the barrier, and not only Greek monsters following but also, two whole Galra fleets.

Lance and Pidge called their lions and took to the sky to fight the fleet, while the Demigod army went for the monsters, with the remaining Chosen Seven went straight for Tartarus himself. The Demigods and Paladins were holding strong, the battlefield was littered with blood, gold dust, and dismantled fighters.

There was only a small amount of monsters left, and the fleet defeated, now most demigods were converging on the Seven, to help with Tartarus. The Paladins holding their positions from above.

The Seven advanced towards Tartarus though were stopped when Tartarus called for someone to bring out 'the prisoner'.

Everyone on the battlefield knew that he was talking about Keith.

Keith was bloodied, bruised, and chained. He was looking right at the lions, trying to translate words through his facial expressions. Though Lance and Pidge didn't understand his secret language.

Tartarus spoke in his disgusting, raspy voice. "Now that I have your attention. Let me spin you a story."

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