Chapter 1: The F.U.N. Begins

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Dear Diary,

''Always be happy.'' The ideology of this city always stirs a huge fear within me. I had always been afraid of this ever-changing city. I have seen it happen more times than I can count. People being taken in custody, because they couldn't keep themselves hidden beneath a forced smile. I don't know what happens when they take you in, but I do know that they are unable to feel negative emotions ever again. Heh, the people that still have their sanity left in this city must be the ones that can hide their emotions extremely well.

I want to save the people that got taken in by the cruel government, but alas, I am not able to do so on my own. Luckily, I am not alone in this cursed city named F.U.N. and am still surviving with my friends to this day. The three of us will do everything we can to save the people who need our help, because I know we can make a difference...''

I close my diary and hide it underneath my desk. I roll my tired head towards the window and see the same scenery as always, people smiling. Honestly, it makes me feel sick. It's not even an emotion if you are forced to it, right? But even so, we can't oppose the government who made it up. I'm so done with pretending. I can only relax my cheeks in my room, but on the street? I wish I could.

My attention gets drawn sideways to my alarm clock.''11 P.M already? Jeez.'' I stretch myself out before closing the curtains to a dark sinister city view. ''If only that stupid rule would change.'' I think out loud as I slowly close my heavy eyes and drift off to sleep.

The next morning, I wake up thanks to my annoying alarm clock. With a small groan, I place my hand on the clock, tracing with my fingers to find the off switch and flip it. The way the alarm beeps is loud, to say the least, but it's the only thing that wakes me in the early morning. 

 With a big yawn, I stand up and open up my curtains to the same sight as yesterday. I feel like I have to check if I was not having a nightmare this entire time. But, my first sight never changes, everyone is having the same kind of expressions on their faces.

After the disappointment I knew would come, I dress myself and go down the stairs. I make myself some quick mashed together breakfast and rush out of the house. Even though I'm irritated to no end by this city, I can't show myself feeling this way, so I hide behind my usual fake smile.

Soon, I am standing in front of the eerie school gates I know all too well. I prepare myself before heading in by taking one last deep breath. Thanks to the rule of this city, we need to get checked when we go into the school building by the staff of the government. It's quite a pain, but luckily, they only check if you're smiling or not.

Although, if you want to go into this city or somewhere special, then you must go through a happy port. There, they will measure your actual happiness. When your happiness isn't high enough, they will get ''rid'' of you. I don't know exactly what happens if they do, because, if they return, they won't be the same.

Smiling on the outside and disgusted on the inside I pass the staff members without raising suspicion. I make my way to my ''happy classroom'' and take a seat behind my desk. I share a look with my two friends, Lido and Mana, who also know the secret of this city and are hiding it, like me. It's hard for all of us to keep up this façade every day.

As class proceeds slowly, I can hardly look at the teacher, who's writing down on the blackboard why this city is so fun. It's not like we learn anything new, either. I don't blame them. All they need to do is teach us how to stay positive. it's all about happiness anyway, so why learn kids' stuff that they will get depressed about?

I recall back in the day, the whole class was like us, pretending in the hope not to get caught. That, however... soon came to an end. Every month they bring a happy port to our room to weed out the fakers. I can't remember how many friends I saw disappear that day... Luckily, we made it through. Driven in a corner, we jogged as many memories as possible from times that this city wasn't cursed. By purely focussing on those memories, we managed to fake our way through it. I hope they don't improve them though, that could mean serious trouble for us.

The bell of the lunchbreak rings and I can finally leave that creepy atmosphere. Like always I regroup with my two friends at the place without any cameras and where not many people go to, the rooftop. I run towards the two hanging over the railing as they engage in a conversation with each other.

''Hey guys.'' I say and also start to hang over the railing. Both of them pause and turn to me.

''Yo Ziro.'' Mana smiles.
''Hey dude.'' Lido replies, playing it cool.
''Nice you two are still here.'' I smirk sarcastically.
''Jeez Ziro, don't act like that, I'm a strong woman you know?" Mana says offended, flipping her hair in the wind with confidence.
''He didn't mean it Mana, take it easy or they will get you.'' Lido teases, wriggling his hands as he moves towards her.
''Not you too Lido!'' Mana snaps and starts chasing the laughing Lido all over the rooftop.

''If this kind of fun could only last forever.'' I whisper as I enjoy their squabble from a distance.
Time flies by and soon the bell lets us know the break has ended. ''Back to the fun classroom.'' Is what filled our minds. We walk down the stairs to the third floor. We feel like we need to draw out our mask with a smile again and put it on.

''Come on guys! We can't be late!'' Lido shouts as he flies down the steps. Being on time is the most important thing in this school after all. If you're not on time, they will start to monitor you and eventually... It gives me a shiver just thinking about it.

We rush to our classroom to sit down for lessons we don't need. Soon people start to flood into the room with smirks on their faces. When the teacher strolls in the room in a jolly mood, he looks around and sees that the class isn't complete.

''Where is Dave?'' The teacher asks as if he has fun seeing he is not behind his desk. After a moment passes, the teacher moves to his desk, lingering over a red button.
Dave then runs inside and, while puffing, throws himself on his chair.

''You are late Dave, how come?'' The teachers' smile is becoming more and more crooked. ''I... I.'' Dave stutters, the smile he had held on to, begins to break. ''No excuse?'' With a big grin, he smashes the button.

Within seconds two staff members march inside the classroom. Cladded in bright colored suits.''What's the problem, sir?'' The staff asks in glee as he salutes. ''Dave is late without an excuse.'' The teacher replies glaring happily at Dave.Dave starts to cry softly, trying to cover this up by covering his eyes. The staff sadly already noticed.

''Can't have that young man!'' One of the men says, waggles his index finger.
''Let us help you with that!'' The other men add.

They each grab an arm and drag him out of the room.
''NO! No! I don't want to go! Someone help me!'' He screams, but nobody comes to his aid. Lido, Mana and I can only watch as another kid cracks and gets removed. It's frustrating, but we're only three children. Even if we got up and tried to rescue him, we would've failed.

Mana and I accepted it long ago. We focus on what we can do and try to hide away our anger. Lido, however... I take a glance at Lido, clearly shaken, but still managing to hold his front. To our relief, the bell rings again, school is over. 

I walk out of the classroom and put my fake smile on my face. Time to assemble with Mana and Lido again at a hiding spot of my choosing. What they don't know is that I found the perfect place.

I already notice them tagging along behind me. I turn my head and give the two a small wink. I do hope they don't find us there. The previous time they did catch us red-handed. So, I hope it won't happen again. It was hard to explain why we were there after all.

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