Chapter 26: Unease

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The alarm clock of Lido wakes us from our slumber. With a slight groan of disagreement, we get ready for school.
As soon as we leave Lido's house, we hear someone approaching behind us.
''Lido! Ziro!'' We turn to see Mana approaching us. We match each other's pace and engage in animated conversation as we head to school.

Naturally putting on our fake smiles, we reach the gate. The security staff looks us over, checking our happiness levels before we can proceed. We pass through the hallway and climb the stairs to our classroom, sitting down in our chairs.

The teacher smiles at us with that unsettling smile of his and runs through the rules of happiness and how it is important. How we must obey the rules for our own good. Though... today the teacher is more unnerving than usual. It feels like... he is only focusing on the three of us? It sends a chill down my spine. 

Then, the teacher raises his voice. Everyone in the room sits up straight in response.
''Well! Time for a fun question!'' The eyes of the teacher skip between me, Lido and Mana.
''Tell me, what happens if you don't follow the rules?'' His eyes lock on to Lido. With a twitching smile, he answers.
''P-playing with the government!'' 
''That's right! And then you feel all better!'' The teacher turns his head in a crooked way as he keeps staring. 

The lunchbreak chime rings through the building. Allowing us to escape the teacher for a small while. Without any further ado, we make our way to the rooftop. We hang over the railing. Lido and I remind Mana that we want to go to my house after school to go through the plans again, which she agrees to.

"By the way, guys. Did you notice something weird about the teacher? Him being creepier than usual? It seemed like his eyes were stuck to us like glue." Lido says, sharing a concerned look. Mana and I both nod.
''So, I wasn't the only one that noticed.'' I reply filled with unease. I don't like this feeling. It's like we're on their radar for some reason. I hope we didn't slip up anywhere.

The bell, that confirms the small break is over, rings. Still wondering why we are the center of attention, we head back to the classroom. The teacher glares at us until we sit down again. Man, what's wrong with him today? We didn't do anything suspicious, did we?

It feels like the lesson goes on forever, but the final bell of the day puts us out of our misery. The classroom drains of people, becoming more and more empty. I dash outside, glad that I can get out of that suffocating room. His mechanic smile and glare almost made me crack.
Once outside, I confirm that Lido and Mana are following me with a quick peek. When I see them behind me, I continue on to my house.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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