Chapter 25: Another Night

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After the emotional goodbye, we all go back inside Lido's house. We sit down on the couch, finally able to catch our breaths. After a deep sigh, I notice that my body feels sluggish, almost becoming one with the couch. My eyes feel heavier by the second.

Next to me, Lido yawns, a single tear escaping his eye. Looks like I am not the only one feeling drowsy after such an eventful day.
He leans sideways, resting his head on my left shoulder. It didn't even take him a minute to fall asleep. 

It looks like sleepiness is contagious, because Mana nods off as well.  She falls on my right shoulder. With Lido's slight snoring in the background, I feel Mana's weight increasing, her breathing slowing down. Knowing the two of them are asleep, I can't keep myself awake any longer and succumb to it. I close my weary eyes, drifting off to sleep. 

To my disappointment, the peaceful slumber didn't last long. A loud buzzing stirs me awake. From the left and right side of me, I hear the two of them groaning as they wake up as well. 

"Oh, that's my phone..." Mana responds, still half awake. She takes the phone out of her pocket and bringing it to her ear to answer. There's yelling on the other side.

"Mana! Where are you?!" It jarred her awake.
''Mom?! Oh, I'm so sorry! I'm coming home right now!'' She hangs up in a haste, rushing to the door.
It takes me a few minutes to process what's going on, but once I gather my bearings I stand up and follow Mana towards the door with Lido following suit.

"I'm sorry you guys! I promised mom I would only check on you two!" Lido dismisses her with a nonchalant wave.
"That's okay! Get home safely!" He moves towards the door to open it for Mana.
"Okay! I will see you tomorrow at school then!" She ducks out and enters a brisk jog, waving us a goodbye until she leaves our sight.

Looking at the sky I can see that the sun is below the horizon, emitting a soft twilight glow.
I turn my gaze to Lido. "Sorry Lido, but can I stay one more night?"
"Sure thing!" Lido gives me a thumbs up. ''Oh but, are you sure your mom doesn't mind?'' He adds hesitant.
I rub the side of my arm. ''Yeah... I'm sure she doesn't mind.'' 

We walk back inside, sitting back on the comfy couch.
''Hey, Ziro? I know that saving those people came between it, but we are still doing it, right?''
I nod. ''Yes, of course. "There is no change in the plan." I answer with firm certainty.
''Okay. The map is at your house, right? So, are we going to your house tomorrow?'' He asks. ''Yeah, I suppose that's for the best. We need to remind Mana just in case.''
''Right...'' Lido mumbles, his tone sounding not very upbeat.
''What's wrong?'' I turn to him, worried by his saddened reply.

''Well... maybe we shouldn't take Mana with us.'' 
''W-What? No, we can't do that! We need all three of us to make it work!'' I state shocked.
He then raises his voice. ''I know that! But...'' His tone lowers as his eyes shake. ''But what if she gets hurt again?!'' He shouts, his voice breaking. ''Or worse...''

I take a deep breath before speaking up.
''Look. I'm worried about Mana, too. And, I too don't want her to get hurt. But, do you really think Mana would agree with us leaving her behind?''
Lido shakes his head sideways.
''Exactly, she'll be furious with us. So, if she wants to come with, we have to let her, okay?''
Lido nods. ''Yeah... She can be very stubborn.'' His mouth cracks into a small grin.
''She sure is. But, she's also tough. Maybe even tougher than you, Lido.''

''No, she's not!'' Lido stands up offended, scowling at me from above.
''Hehe.'' I snicker. That's the Lido I know.

Looking outside the window, I see the night approaching. 
''Hey, tough guy. We should go to bed.'' 
''Tough guys don't need sleep!'' He laughs, puffing his chest.
''Oh? So that nap just now wasn't sleeping, was it?'' I sneer.
Lido's composed look turns into fluster. ''W-Well, that was... resting! Yes, resting my eyes! That's different!'' 
''Haha! Right.'' 
He puffs his cheeks. ''Whatever..'' He closes the curtains, flipping the light switch on the way back.

He then let himself fall on the couch, pulling the blanket over himself.
I also tuck myself in to rest up for another day. Something tells me, that it's going to be a long one.

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