Chapter 9: The Circling Blades

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Lido immediately comes to her aid.
"Are you doing okay, Mana?!" Lido yells worried.''Y-Yes!'' Her voice trembles.
She must have tried to brace herself with her right foot. With her hands and feet being unable to hold on any longer. Mana begins to slide away faster.

Lido notices this and shouts: ''Hurry! Grab my leg!''She responds with a reflex, instantly clutching his leg. The increasing weight makes it very difficult for him to stay in place.

I scan my surroundings, making fast use of a piece of metal, jutting outwards by grabbing onto it.

''Now, hold on to me Lido!''
''Are you sure?!'' He yells back at me, a little hesitant.
''Yes! Just do it!'' I urge him hastily.

Lido strongly grips my ankle. We are all almost swaying in the air vents with only one piece of metal to count on. I start to slowly slip away from the metal as it is cutting my hand.

Just when I had only my index finger clinging on to it, the air stops blowing. We sigh in relief. I never thought I would be in this much bliss from touching the surface of the vent again, but it isn't over yet.

''I am sure we can't take much more of these blows.'' Lido states, directing a concerned glance over his shoulder at Mana behind him. Mana is breathing heavily and looking quite pale.
''Unfortunately, we can't rest. We must push on!'' I motivate them.
''Right!'' They answer in unison.

We are resuming our crawl to freedom once more, a little faster this time. After what feels to be an endless tunnel, I begin to see a bright light in the distance.

''We are almost there! Hang in there!" I say joyous.

After a quick sprint to the end, we see an enormous fan creating a tiny breeze. It feels quite refreshing up close.

''What do we do now?'' Lido asks, peering over my shoulder.
''We can't get through that!'' He continues, becoming more desperate.
''True, but think, where did the air pressure come from? Looks like this is what makes it. There is nothing else that could do it in this vent.'' I explain, taking another glance at the giant blades, swirling in circles.
''Wait... Does that mean if we don't find a solution fast...'' Lido looks at the turning fan in fear.
''We will get blown away so hard we must start all over?!'' Mana finished Lido's thought and felt herself deflate.

''There must be something we can do to make it stop turning, right?'' Lido panics, touching all the sides of the vent to find a way to get us out. I try looking around for something to block the fan's turning, but there isn't a thing I can use. I feel the left and the right side of the vent to find anything that's out of place.

Suddenly, my fingers stumble upon some kind of panel, hiding in the shadow of the outside light. I shine my phone on it.

''This must be the way to stop it, but...'' I stop and look at it closely.
"But?" Lido pressed, sounding a little annoyed.
''I don't see how.'' I scratch my head in confusion.
''What do you mean you don't see how? Just flip the switch from on to off!''Mana yells from the back.
''There isn't really a switch...''
''Well hurry up and figure it out! We don't have much time left!" Lido's patience is running thin as he sees the blades turning faster.

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