Chapter 11: The Two-Man Job

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''It's okay! It is not that high.'' I say to relieve them of that possibility. I take one last look for any cameras, but I can't spot any.
''Okay, here I go!'' I drop myself down carefully, glad to finally feel the sunlight and the solid ground.

Lido is already peeking outside. After he confirmed my safety, he also jumps down. With a hard thump, he lands on the solid path.

''Ten points!'' He grins.
''Be a little more careful Lido!'' Mana shouts, her voice slightly shaken.
''It's fine! I have muscles enough to break the fall!'' He replies confident with a thumbs up.

I notice his legs still trembling from the impact of his reckless leap.
''Yeah, sure.'' I say with a small sadistic grin. Lido glances at me offended, but his attention gets drawn to the vent soon after.

Mana, who was watching Lido's bold jump through the gap of the fan is hesitant to follow.
''Come on Mana! We will catch you!'' Lido shouts as he opens his arms wide. He hits me with his elbow, encouraging me to do the same. So, I raise my hands too.

Mana checks her damaged foot before looking back at us.
''Be sure to catch me okay? I won't forgive you if you don't!'' Mana cowers as she slowly crawls to the edge.
''I will count down, okay?'' I suggest.
''R-right.'' Mana stutters.
''On 3. 1...2...3!'' 

Mana immediately jumps, fully trusting us. We both sprint to the right place to catch her. But Lido is quicker.
He winks at me and says; ''I got her!'' I stop and stand still beside him. He takes one step forward and easily catches her in his arms. 

''Thanks...'' Mana mumbles a little embarrassed. Lido eases her down on the ground. He still supports her so she could balance on her one foot.

Lido observes his surroundings and asks curiously: ''Where are we anyway?'' 
I turn around to look at the building and answer: ''I guess we are on the other side of the building that we entered.''
''I think so too. It wouldn't be logical if we were in the middle of nowhere after all.'' Mana adds.
''True, true.'' Lido nods. 

He then perks up, sparked by a sudden realization. 
 ''Ah! And we can go back to the five people to give them food and water!'' Lido proclaims happily.
 ''Right! And since Ziro stopped the fan from blowing we can get them out, too!'' Mana claps her hands together with glee.
''Hehe...yeah.'' I scratch my head awkwardly. Let's keep quiet about how I made it stop.

 I look around and spot a tree with many tough branches next to the sidewalk.
''But first'', I say as I make my way to the tree. Mana and Lido both look puzzled, but seem to understand my reason when I break off a small steady branch.

''Here you go.'' I hand it over to Mana. She grabs the stick and uses it instead of Lido to stand straight.
 ''Thank you!'' She smiles, appreciating the improvised walking stick.
 ''No problem!'' I reply, happy to be of service. But, as I look down to her foot my smile quickly disappears from my face.

''Maybe... It's better for her if she goes home for now. It is still quite swollen and it needs some serious treatment. I don't want it to get any worse.''
''I'm with Ziro on this one. It really doesn't look so good...'' Lido frowns after a closer look at the injury.
''No way! I am coming with you! What if something happens?!'' Mana sounds concerned, her eyes trembling with fear.

''But, what if something happens to you? That's what we are worried about.'' I reason with her to calm her down. Mana's head drops downwards, sadly looking at the ground.
''I guess you're right...'' Mana pouts, biting her lip with regret.

''Don't worry! We will come and see you as soon as we bring the food and water to the people in the bunker!'' Lido says confident with his big reassuring smile.

He then grabs me around my neck, pulling me in. ''It's a two-man job!'' He throws up a peace sign.

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