Chapter 15: The Sleep Over

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Moments later Lido finishes off the call.

''Okay, I will call you after we give the supplies to the people in the bunker.''
''Don't forget to dial back! And be careful!'' She quickly adds.
''Yeah, yeah. I will.'' Lido responds nonchalantly and hangs up.

He throws my cellphone back into my hands, which I was barely able to catch.
Confused, I watch Lido step to the front door. Somehow, the fact that I didn't follow him to the door seems odd to him. But then, he remembers.
''Ah right, you were staying over! Let me go get a mattress for you to sleep on.'' A little embarrassed, he rushes upstairs.

Once alone, thoughts start to race through my head. I hope those five don't think that we won't come back. They won't, right? Just because we couldn't make it today...

Lido makes it downstairs dragging the mattress behind him.
''Found it!'' He says upbeat, but when he notices me pacing through the living room, his expression turns to worry.
''Overthinking things again?'' He questions concerned. 
''I guess so.'' I murmur. 

Lido drops the mattress next to the couch.
He then firmly grabs my shoulder and says in a serious tone: ''Well, don't worry. Whatever you're overthinking will turn out just fine, it always does.'' 
''I hope so.'' I reply as I let myself fall and sink into the mattress.

Lido sighs troubled as he let go of me. He makes his way to the living room curtains soon after to close them. After that, he opens a cabinet next to the couch, pulling out two blankets. He throws one of them to me.
He then lays down on the couch, handing me one of the cushions on it.  I thank him as he gives me a warm smile to cheer me up.

''A lot happened today, huh?'' He says with a sigh, pulling his blanket up to his neck. 
''Sure did... I never thought that passage I discovered would lead to this. I guess I am glad I did though, because if I didn't, those five people wouldn't live for much longer.'' 
Lido nods in agreement.
"How many more people do you think know about the governments brainwashing?" Lido asks curious, placing his hands behind his head.
''I don't know. Most people who do know must be really good at faking or hiding.''
''True.''  After a short pause, his attitude changes, causing his voice to harden: "I hope we can save many more. No one deserves to go through brainwashing after all." 

I grab my blanket and squeeze it hard in my hands.
''Are you okay? Sorry... I made you remember, Didn't I?'' I look at Lido and see him already watching me, being afraid he hurt my feelings. He awaits my response.
''No. I am fine. Don't worry, it's all in the past. What matters now is saving as many people as possible.'' I clench my fists. ''I need to stop the government for what they did to my sister, too.''

''Right, but first, we need some good rest to wake up early. So, let's call it a night.'' Lido suggests.
''That's a good idea.'' I agree.
"I know, I'm full of them!" He claims with a bright smile.
I answer with a sneer: ''You sure are.'' I then turn around and close my eyes.
''Good night buddy.'' He whispers as he turns off the light.
"Yeah, sleep well." I mumble back at him.

With my head filled with thoughts about the five people sleeping on an empty stomach and suffering from dehydration, as well as the incident involving my sister, I slowly drift off to sleep.

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