Chapter 7: New Challenge

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The man is having trouble to say his words out loud. He looks at the two boys with shaking eyes, swallowing nervously.

''Y-you don't understand, it was horrible in there. My two boys were locked in a cell, crying their poor eyes out as they desperately held on to the steeled bars. The two men sat me down in a chair and strapped me to it. They connected me to all kinds of wires and a helmet and-.''

The man stops his story abruptly upon finding out his boys are trembling beside him. He gently pets their heads as he moves on with his memory.

''After they connected me to... a few things... they powered the machine.'' I notice him being careful with his wording, to not frighten the kids any further.

''This machine lighted up, flashing in bright colors. A sickening smile could be seen on it as it began to hum. The boys were yelling at the other side of the bars, begging to let me go.
But as soon as the machine was on, the two men left the room. As time went on, I felt my emotions slowly slipping away. Sadness, anger, fear, everything just... got drained out of me.''

The man becomes so unstable, that he's unable to resume. His teeth are clattering as he sinks his head into his hands.

''I'll take it from here.'' The woman places her hand on the man's shoulder. As the man looks up to her, she gives a heart-warming smile. The man could only nod back.

''You see, I was planning my escape for a long time. I stole a map from the guard and even discovered the ideal escape route. I broke my girl out and headed to the exit.
On the way, I heard the screaming of children. I chased it to its source and peeked through the observation window of the chamber. It was a horrifying scene. I knew I had to do something, and quick.

Luckily, the guards already left, so I swiftly pulled out a hairpin, picking the lock. I dashed in, removing the helmet from the man. As soon as I opened the handcuffs of the confused man, his eyes strayed sideways.

''The boys...'' His voice sounded faint. I face the direction the man was looking at. There were two boys, both fallen to their knees, they raise their heads and look me in the eyes.

''Please...'' They reach through the bars. ''Help us.'' More tears fell from their already glassy eyes.

I head over to them, fiddling with their lock, I got them out soon.

Not a second later, the alarm goes off with red flashing lights.

I urged the man, the boys, and my girl to follow me. As we ran down the escape route, it didn't take the security long to find and chase us.

As footsteps got closer and closer, the small white door with ''EXIT'' on it could be seen at the end of the hallway. I was picking the lock as fast as I could, but I had to adjust the pin to the keyhole first.

''Oh no...'' The man spoke up. Focussed on what I was doing, I could only hear multiple men were approaching us. Just in time, I heard the lock click.

I immediately swung the door open, the rest following suit. Blinded by the bright light of the outside, we just dashed in one direction, holding on to each other as a guideline. Once I felt that the wall had an opening, I headed in.
The dark alley we found ourselves in was a great way of shaking our pursuers.''

That's when we discovered this hole near the trash can. We used it to get us food out the trash can but...''The man faces the ceiling, looking quite depressed. ''But now that it is collapsed, we can't get food anymore.''

''Isn't there any other way out this bunker?'' I ask. ''Well, there is another exit, but it is in plain sight with lots of cameras.'' The woman answers fidgetily. ''So, we can't get outside unnoticed anymore?'' Lido sounds hopeless.

''Well, there is one other way, but it is a dangerous one.'' The man suggests and points to a middle-sized air vent, a couple of feet high in the wall. Lido raises his brow. ''Why is it so dangerous?''

''Well, since the woman and I are too big to get into the air vent. I once send my two sons inside to investigate where it leads, but once every 5 minutes an immense air pressure blows through the vent system. Making it impossible to continue forward. My kids even got blown back into the bunker again. It was no use.''

''But maybe we can succeed! We aren't as small and easily pushed over as the kids. So, I am sure we can get through it!'' Lido sounds determined.

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