Chapter 19: To Safety

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We continue our journey through the vent once more. Even though the kids did not speak, I could feel their anxiety. Then again, that doesn't surpise me. I would be like that too if I left my parents and went with two strangers to the dangerous outside world.

It took a while, but the giant fan comes in sight again. Lido and I crawl through the hole of the missing blade and slowly let ourselves down on the ground. The kids peek outside, getting blinded by the bright daylight, they squint their eyes. I then hold my arms wide open.

''Jump down. I will catch you!" I reassure them with a gentle smile.
After rubbing their eyes, the kids discuss with each other in hesitation. It looks like they are deciding who's going first, but all we see are shaking heads. Lido then joins my side.
''I'm here too, so there is nothing to worry about. Trust us!'' Lido says with confidence.

It seems like that gave one of them the courage to step forward. Although, it wasn't the kid we were expecting. It was the girl. The girl slowly makes her way to the ledge and stands up. She looks down at us with trembling legs.
She then prepares herself to jump, but used up all her courage by just holding her ground. She just needs one final push.

''Try to calm down.'' I suggest, imitating a breathing exercise. ''Breath in, and slowly breath out.''

She gives me a shaking nod. She closes her eyes, taking a few deep breaths.
''Ready?'' I ask. She opens her eyes again, this time with a twinkle of faith.
''Uh-huh!'' With that clear response, she takes the leap.

After repositioning, I catch her in my arms with ease. I gently put her down on the solid ground. The girl's tense body loosens. It brings forth the brightest smile on her face, which pulls my heartstrings.
Seeing the girl jump, seems to have convinced the boys to do the same. After they share a nod they follow down.

We continue carefully to Lido's house. The kids cling to us with uneasy faces as they look around frantically.
The journey feels like a walk in the park, but that soon comes to an end.
We spot someone from the government staff at the end of the street. He's questioning people who cross his path. Cautious, Lido and I hide the kids behind us by forming a wall.
As we move towards them with broad smiles, we pick up part of the conversation.

"So, we just want to give these kids a kind warning. Have you seen them, maybe?" The man in de bright colored outfit grins crookedly at an old lady.
"Oh my, I can't say that I know who you're talking about." She holds her hand against her cheek in a concerned fashion.

Meanwhile, we made it past them. But, I soon feel a piercing gaze. The curiosity gets the better of me and makes me peek over my shoulder. My eyes meet with the man's intimidating look. Afraid that staring longer would break my façade, I quickly look back.

We hurry towards Lido's front door. Lido then opens the door and lets us inside before locking it tight.
Once in, I close the curtains of the living room in paranoia.
"Phew, we made it." I sigh relieved as I wipe some sweat off my forehead.
"Sure did!" Lido says as he moves the mattress out of the way. "Take a seat kids!" Lido gestures at the now available couch.

The kids do as asked and let themselves sink into the couch, finally able to unwind they exhale deeply in unison.

In the kitchen, I grab three plastic cups and fill them with water. Placing them on a plate, I walk to the couch.
''Here you go!" I say as I hand each of them a cup.

The girl then speaks up: ''T-Thank you... Ehm.'' She blushes when she realizes she doesn't know what to call me.
''Ziro. My name is Ziro.'' I reply kneeling down a bit.
"Ziro... Thank you!" The girl giggles. "My name is Lia." She introduces herself afterward, beaming with a smile.
''Nice to meet you, Lia.'' I say as I give her a handshake.

My attention soon goes to the boys glugging down the water. Now that I can take a closer look at them, I can see that they really look alike. My guess is that they are twins. The only two differences I can spot is that their hairstyles are divide slightly from each other. The second thing I notice is that one of them has blue eyes and the other has green eyes... just like my sister had.

''Thanks for the water, Ziro!'' The boy with green eyes says upbeat after finishing his cup of water.
His sudden reaction pulls me out of my thoughts.
''Ah! Sure, no problem! You can refill them as many times as you like.'' I suggest pointing at the faucet in the kitchen.
"Thanks! Oh, I'm Tiga by the way and this is my brother Finn!" The energetic boy with the green eyes, Tiga, gives his brother Finn a slight jab in the side with his elbow. In response, Finn covers his face with his hoodie.

It seems like Finn has the opposite personality of Tiga. Finn, being much less outgoing than his brother and appearing to be very shy. Tiga being the cheerful and extroverted one.

Whenever my eyes and Finn's meet, his eyes dart off into another direction.
Since he isn't comfortable with eye contact, I decide to leave him be.

I then hear Lido something almost unrecognizable: "I whink we shouwld gow..."
I turn around to see why Lido's voice sounds so odd, only to laugh soon after. Lia left the couch without me noticing and was pulling Lido's cheeks with a chuckle. The bend down Lido soon  slip out of her grip and stand up.

"Hey, no fair!" Lia puffs her cheeks.
Lido rubs his bruised face.
"Sorry Pin, game over." Lido grins as he pets her head. "We're going to get your parents, okay?"
"Okay..." Lia looks a bit upset as her gaze directs itself to the floor.

We both make our way to the front door.
''Don't worry, we'll be right back!'' I say as I turn the doorknob.

We suddenly hear a very soft whisper from behind: ''B-Be careful...''
We turn around and see to our surprise that the source of this voice was Finn's.
"We will." I say with certainty as I give him a reinforcing smile. But, his nervousness causes him to avert his eyes again.
"Just stay put and don't open the door. No matter what." Lido says with a serious tone.
"You got it!" Tiga responds with his thumb in the air.
"Good." Lido nods.
We both put on our glasses again. "We'll be back soon." I say as I open the door and go through with Lido following suit.

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