Chapter 13: Guilt Trip

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''No way... I don't.'' He sits there in disbelief, unable to comprehend what just took place.
''Come on Lido! Stand up!'' I grab his arm and try to pull him up, but he hits me away.
''It is all my fault!'' He exclaims.
''What is?!'' I shout back.
''Mana getting hurt! If I only hadn't fought her in that narrow hole we would've come out just fine!" He looks me in the eyes, grinding his teeth with frustration.
''Well, if we didn't fall we wouldn't know what we know now, right?!'' I state, in the hope it would turn the situation around.
''But- ''
''Just stop complaining and run!" I interrupt and point to the cashier behind him who is already calling the government.

''Yes, hello? Please hurry to the Smiley store! We have a section G. I repeat we have a section G.''

Lido quickly snaps out of his state and scrambles to his feet.
We both rush out the store. I hold the food and drinks close to my body, so they wouldn't slip out of my grasp.
It didn't take the government long to send patrouling government staff after us. They call out to us to come with them.

 "What do we do now?" Lido questions, peeking over his shoulder. I scan the surroundings for any way to escape from the chase. A few meters ahead I spot a small alley.

''Quick! In here!'' I pull him down the filthy sidewalk. As we make our way through, I pull any boxes or trash cans I can find in the path behind us. The staff soon follows, but stumble over the obstacles.

"Stop now!" The staff yells, still having creepy smiles on their faces. Their smiles didn't falter once into a frown, even though they fell face-first into the dirt.

We turn left at the end of the corner, back into the street. I then realize I know this neighborhood. Lido's house is nearby! I make eye contact with Lido. He already knows what I'm thinking and nods.

We turn left at the next junction. I swiftly glance behind me, to check if they are still hot on our tails. But, the staff's muffled voice in the distance, proves that they lost us when we ran around the second corner. However, we can't rest yet, there could be more staff around here looking out for us.

After hiding behind anything that could be used as cover,  Lido's house comes into sight.

We hurry to the door. Although, Lido has some difficulty in putting his key inside the keyhole, since his hands were still shaking.

The moment he manages to unlock the front door, we sprint inside. Lido immediately closes the door behind him and locks it up tight. We are still a bit skeptic at first, but as soon as we know we're save, we simultaneously exhale with relief. 

We go to the living room, making our way to the couch.
''I'm exhausted.'' I huff as I let myself down on the couch to catch some breath. However, Lido doesn't join me. He places his back against the wall next to the couch and slides down on the ground. He hugs his knees and rests his head on them.

''What was I thinking?!'' Lido mumbles on the edge of shedding tears. It looks like he is finally releasing his troubles.

I raise from the couch, sitting down beside him.
''It wasn't your fault.''
He looks upwards with watery eyes, angry at himself.
''How is it not my fault?!''
''Don't take all the blame for what happened. I'm sure if we crawled backward in that space it would've still collapsed beneath us. It is true you were teasing Mana a bit, but even you didn't want that to happen.'' 

Lido places his head on his knees again, forming a small ball. 
''But it is mostly my fault.'' Lido sniffs.
''Mana wouldn't think that, you know?'' I say with certainty.
It looks like those words resounded inside him.
"Really?" He then lifts his chin up, looking me in the eyes.
''Of course! We all made mistakes in there. I found the passage in the first place and it wasn't that steady to begin with. It was a coherence of circumstances.'' I smile at him gently.

Lido then wipes his wet eyes and regains some positive attitude.
''You're right. We did meet those people in the end.''
''Yes, and we are going to help them out too, but unfortunately, it's going to be tomorrow.'' 

I glance through the window in the living room and see the sun setting.
''Looks like I have to crash at your place tonight.''
''Sure thing.'' Lido replies as he stands up, ready to prepare some bedding.
''But first, let's call Mana. She must be worried sick.'' I say, grabbing my phone out of my pocket. Lido's face is still filled with worry. But to get him over this, he needs to hear it directly from Mana herself.

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