Chapter 3: The Separation

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''-Iro... Ziro! Ziro! Wake up!''

I come to my senses, groggily opening my eyes to see a terrified Lido staring back at me, his own shining with unshed tears.

''L-Lido?'' I reply confused as I try to grasp the situation. My whole body is aching from the bruises that were caused by the fall. With Lido's help, I slowly ease myself upright and look around. 

Although, I can't see much. The room is shrouded with darkness, not a single light to be seen. I then realize it's only the two of us. ''Where is Mana?'' I face Lido with a concerned look.

He then replies in a panic: ''I... I don't know. We got separated after the fall and it is too dark to find her. I called her name a few times, but she didn't answer back...and then I found you unconscious...'' His eyes are shaking, letting two tears spill.

I try to calm him down. ''Okay. Let's go look for Mana first. That is our top priority right now. Finding out where we are, comes next.'' I grab his still shaking shoulder. ''I am sure Mana is okay. If we are fine, then I am sure Mana is okay as well.''

Lido wipes the tears from his eyes and sniffles. ''Y-Yeah! She is too stubborn to die. I am sure she is waiting somewhere for us to pick her up!'' His says positive, raising his fist with confidence.Relieved that Lido is feeling better, I grab my phone from my pocket. I attempt to turn it on, surprised it still works. I use the flashlight function on my phone to observe the hole we fell out of.

''Wow'' Lido speaks up pointing upwards. ''We fell quite a long way, didn't we?'' He sounds amazed, yet struck with worry.

It is true, there is nothing left of the now five feet up tunnel we came through. Watching it, causes me to mumble out loud: ''Wait... We fell from the same height. So, why isn't Mana in the same room as us? There isn't any other room she could've fallen into... So, that means she walked away on her own in the dark, which I don't expect she did, because she is afraid of the dark, or she could have been taken away by someone.''

''WHAT?!'' Lido's sudden scream makes me realize that my tongue slipped. ''We got to find her, and fast!''

He then grabs my arm, lifting me on my feet. Within a split second, he swipes my phone out of my hand and starts to observe the walls in a rush.

''Come on, come on! Where is the way out? There's got to be a way out!''I limb my way over to him. ''Chill, Lido! It was only a hypothesis!''
He's so focussed on finding an exit, that he completely ignores me. Knowing his stubbornness, I join him in his search. The walls feel cold and made out of thick concrete.

''I found something!'' Lido moves backward to shine the light on his entire discovery. It appears to be a sturdy metal door with several screws on the frame. ''I don't know... it looks pretty tough to open-''

Without giving my words a second thought, he throws himself at the door. Once, twice and more. ''Come on! Open you stupid door!'' He yells in frustration. He slams into the door with all his might.

''You're going to hurt yourself Lido, please stop!'' I reach in to stop his actions, but right at that moment, the door gives in and opens.

 He then suddenly grabs my arm and swings the door open, taking off running. My bruises are beginning to hurt with the pace Lido is going at. The light of my phone is flickering in every direction due to Lido's movements, making it hard to see anything.

He then starts shouting, calling out desperately for Mana in hopes of getting an answer: "Mana! Mana where are you?! Please respond!"

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