Chapter 8: The Vent

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''We must be cautious though. We can also be blown away if that air pressure hits us unprepared.'' I state, watching the air blast soaring out of the vent.
Lido's eyes stray sideways instead, he then jolts when he sees Mana, who's trying to stand up on her own.

''What are you doing?! You can't stand, not with that leg!'' Lido shouts as he runs towards her, lending her his support.

''I am coming with you. I don't want to be left all alone here.'' Mana then grabs Lido's arm tightly with her shaking hand.

Lido looks at me for a solution to this. I want to say that she couldn't come with us, that she should wait here until we come back. But looking Mana in her strongminded eyes, I realize that this wasn't an option.

''Mana, is it possible for you to crawl without using your right foot?'' I ask her instead.

She glances down at her foot that still hovers slightly, inches from touching the ground. I know it isn't reasonable to take her with us if she can't do that. I need a reason to leave her behind to secure her well-being.

She lowers herself to the ground on her elbows then, trying to army crawl forward without having to use her right foot. At first, she has some difficulties, but she manages by using her left foot. Although Mana is looking quite tired after only making it a few feet farther.

''Can you make it through the end of the vent?'' I ask with serious concern.
''Yes, I am sure I can do it.'' She sounds slightly out of breath.

I can see she was still in pain, and the effort of crawling made her struggle, but if she is determined that she can do it, then there is no stopping her. So, I simply nod back at her.

''Alright.'' I hint them to follow me to the vent.

''Let us help you get in.'' The man suggests, already making his way to the wall with the vent.

''We would really appreciate that.'' I reply thankful.

With some help of the woman and the man pushing us up one by one, we enter the vent. I am in the front, Lido is behind me and lastly, Mana. We decide to form this formation, so Mana will get the least air pressure when it hits.

Mana had some trouble getting in, because her foot couldn't be used to give her a boost. But with Lido pulling her up, and the woman and the man giving support from below, we managed to get her inside.

"I promise we will come back and save you." Mana vows to the old man and the woman.

''Thank you so much, that means a lot to us.'' He replies, placing his hand on his chest.

''Be careful...'' The woman warns, her voice tense.

With an unsettling feeling, I march forward, into the dark abyss.

Once in the vent, we can't see a thing. Our feet and hands are banging against the metal as a lot of spider webs hit against my face and break.

''Are you doing okay Mana?'' Lido asks, peeking over his shoulder to see for himself as well.

''I am doing just fine. You should worry about yourself more than me. Don't get blown away by that stupid wind when it comes!' I know Mana is trying to act tough, but she obviously is puffing and far behind. Lido adjusts his pace slightly, so he is closer to Mana if she needs his help.

After a few minutes, I hear a small howl of wind pass my ears, but it sounds far away.

''Guys, I think the air blast is coming soon. We should brace for impact.'' Responding to my warning, Lido and Mana place their hands and feet to the left and right side of the metal vent, pushing outwards to hold on. I do the same, moving backward just a little so I can protect them better.

Not even three seconds go by as the immense air pressure hits us. Even though we are prepared for it, we can only barely hold on. No wonder those two kids got blown away in an instant. The wind rushes around us as we are slowly pushed back. I then hear a painful groan from Mana.

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