Chapter 14: The Call

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As I turn my phone on, I already see 21 missed calls pop up. Sheesh, there is something called overkill, Mana. I dial Mana's number and call her, the phone didn't even get the chance to ring. A rushed voice comes through the phone.

''Guys?! Are you two okay?! I didn't hear anything from you for such a long time, you really got me worried!''
''Calm down Mana. We are fine, don't worry.'' I reassure her. I then hear a small sigh of relief through the phone.
Mana then asks curious: ''Well, I am glad you guys are okay. How did the delivery of the supplies go?''

I fall silent, not sure how to convey what happened.
''Well?'' She continues.
"W-we... ran into a problem and we couldn't make it before sundown. S-so, we are planning to deliver them early in the morning. " I stutter nervously.
''Wait, what problem?'' Mana pries, raising her voice.
''Well... Uhm...'' 

As my thoughts reach a stand-still, Lido snatches the phone out of my hand.
''Ziro? Ziro! Hello? Are you still there?''
Lido places the phone against his ear and takes a deep breath.
''Hey Mana.'' He says, his voice slightly shaking.

Due Lido suddenly calling out to her, Mana goes silent for a moment. It causes Lido to nervously pull his collar. 
''Lido? Lido is that you? What went wrong? Are you hurt?'' Lido clenches his teeth and starts to explain.

''We went to the Smiley store for supplies, but the moment we wanted to leave, the happy port sounded an alarm when I passed through. So, until just a moment ago, we were chased by the staff of the government...''
''Wait...Why did it go off? Was your happy level not high enough?'' Mana responds, evidently alarmed.
''No...'' Lido had to take a quick breath before he could continue. ''I have lingering guilt from when we fell down from that hole.'' 

For a moment, the room goes quiet, until Mana breaks the silence. 
"Idiot. That wasn't just your fault. We're all to blame for it." She says, matter-of-fact. 

"Yeah, I notice that now." He gives me a sideways glance, though his lips twitch at the corners in a smile. I grin back.
''You were always slow at noticing these things. Just know we are in this together.'' Mana reassures.
''Thanks Mana!'' Lido sounds happy. But he suddenly flinches, recalling something.

"Oh right. How is your foot?" He asks, his happiness short-lived as it is replaced with immediate concern.
''Well, it is a lot less swollen, but it still hurts to stand on. I guess it will take a few days for it to completely heal.''
"I see." He replies, his tone low and weighted with the lingering guilt he nearly forgot he still felt. 

''But I don't have to stand up to get anything! Mom gets everything for me. So, that's nice!'' She tries to cheer him up.
Lido snickers. ''Well, I hope you leave your throne soon, princess.''
"Well, it's not like you are any better! Ziro always has to keep you out of trouble!" Mana shot back.
''It's nothing compared to how easy it is to tease you!'' They both laugh at their ridiculous conversation. I'm glad to see that Lido has perked up. It looks like Mana was just the thing he needed.

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