Chapter 18: Back In

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We cautiously leave Lido's house and do our best to not look suspicious. Luckily, the guards aren't as bright as their smile is, so we are able to deceive them easily.

We arrive at the building where the vent is high up in the wall. The real challenge starts here. Dropping from that height was simple, but getting back in...
I check my surroudings for anything we can use to stack up to reach the vent. But all that is available are weary boxes and unusable garbage. 
I turn to Lido, who's holding his chin with a thoughtful look on his face.
Then, it looks like an idea inside him sparked. 

''I know! Put your hands together and boost me up! Then afterwards, I will pull you up!'' Not even giving me a chance to disagree, he backs away from me to use a starting dash.

I make a stepping platform with my hands and bend my knees slightly. Once I'm ready, I nod to Lido, who's already in position.
With a single step, he approaches with incredible speed. As soon as I feel his feet landing on my hands, I launch him towards the vent with all my might. He grasps the ledge and pulls himself up without much effort. Lido turns to me to catch the supplies first. I throw him one bag at a time.

''Whoa!'' He yelps, almost dropping one of the bags, but caught it just in time.  He then stretches down to lift me up.
He makes sure that he won't lose his footing by repositioning his feet. He plants them firmly on the insides of the vent. "I'm ready!" He shouts fully prepared.
''Okay, here I come!'' I dash towards him and jump. I was barely able to reach his hands, which I grab tight. With little difficulty he pulls me in. 

Once in, I remove my sunglasses, putting them on the top of my head. Lido does the same with his tinted glasses. 
''Heh, it feels weird to go back, doesn't it?'' Lido lets out a short laugh as he looks at the dark space we're about to head into.
''Yeah, even more so since we're moving away from the light.'' I say, after giving the outside world one last glance before we crawl forward.

''Man, I can't see a thing!'' Lido complains, his pace slowing down.
''Use this.'' I then slide my phone to his hand. He uses the flashlight fuction on the phone to light the way. 
''Thanks.'' Short after, he snickers. ''Guess we're heading towards the light after all.'' 
''Haha, true.'' I laugh.

''I do hope Mana recovers soon...'' Lido mutters concerned.
''Me too. But it's Mana we're talking about. I'm sure she will be standing on both her feet soon.'' I try to reassure him. 
''Yeah! Mana won't go down that-'' 

''Shh!'' I abrubtly silence Lido.
''What is it?'' He whispers with an alarmed voice.
''Do you hear that?'' We sharpen our ears and listen closely. 

We notice a voice that is echoing through the vent system: "How many times do I have to tell you? They're not coming back!" It sounds like the voice of a desperate woman. 
''How would you know that?! I am sure they will come!'' A man's voice can be heard, and he doesn't sound happy.
''Let's hurry!'' I urge Lido to speed up.
We both pick up our pace to the bunker, before the argument can escalate.

Once at the end of the vent Lido announces our arrival with glee: "We are here!" 

A sudden silence falls upon the bunker. We take that as our cue to jump down and make our way towards them with the supplies. The woman and man stand there dumbfounded.  Their eyes are brimming with tears and their faces display both joy and relief. 

"It's... It's really you!" The woman can't believe her eyes, she rushes over to us, immediately taking my hands in hers. "Thank you... thank you so much for not giving up on us!" She shakes my hands with pure joy.  I give her a warm smile in return.
''Of course! We promised after all!'' Lido replies, acting like a newborn hero. 

He hands over the supplies and the eyes of the kids begin to twinkle as they eat to their hearts content. We watch them eat until they finish. The kids then run towards us and thank us by hugging our legs. The man is speechless and walks towards us.

"I am sorry, to be honest, I was losing hope." He looks apologetically at us both. "But I should have trusted you more." The man then concedes with a smile, petting our heads.
"Don't you want to leave this bunker?" I ask, looking at the girl that is still embracing my leg.
The man removes his hands from each of our heads.
''I don't know. It probably is for the best. We can't depend on you getting us food and drinks all the time. We have to go. Even though, it isn't safe up there for us.'' The man looks at the ceiling in doubt. 
He faces us again with a sad yet kind smile. ''Can you help us get out?'' 
"Sure! Leave it to us!" Lido boasts a confident grin and goes to help me back into the vent. 

Lido, the woman and the man each take turns to hoist the kids up next. However, the woman and man don't show any signs of coming with. 
''Don't worry, I can lift you up!'' Lido proclaims assured, reaching his hands out to them. 

The man and woman share a look and nod in agreement.
''Can you... take the kids with you first? We want to make sure they're save first.'' The woman asks as she folds her hands on her chest with worry.
Lido and I glance at each other, both not knowing if this is the best course of action.
''Please...'' The man's voice shakes. He grabs my hand with his trembling cold hands. Looking at me in distress.
In response, I nod. ''I understand.''

We decide to get the kids to Lido's home first and come back for the two of them afterwards. I don't like the feeling of leaving without them, but getting the kids to safety is top priority.

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