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Okay, so... I don't want to make this too long because it's not too important. If you're just here for the story and the amazing and lovable Dipper Pines, you don't have to read this.

But this story got 100 views!

There's only been one other story I've written that got over 100 views and it's sort of a big number for me.

Yeah, I know, compared to a lot of other stories, 100 isn't that many, but it's cool to get to!

I set a lot of goals for myself because I'm a perfectionist but I often don't meet them. When I start writing new stories I get really excited when I get to 100 reads because it tells me that people actually somewhat like what I'm writing!

If anyone is still reading this, thanks for sticking with the story! And I hope you enjoy future chapters! School's been stressful and has heightened my anxiety further, so writing helps me forget about my worries.

I know I've already credited them, but PLEASE go check out ThatGirlAuthor and Inksansgril31. They're amazing writers and deserve much more attention for their talent.

They're also going through tough times with school and their own personal stuff so I hope you give them some support!

Anyways, thanks for reading this, and I appreciate you reading this story!


Red. <3

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